The United States estimated on Friday May 13 that a compromise with Iran to save the Iranian nuclear agreement remained “far from certaindespite the optimism displayed by the European Union after the mission of its negotiator to Tehran.
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“Iran must decide whether to insist on unrelated conditions“with nuclear power”or if he wants to make a deal quickly“, said a spokesperson for the American diplomacy to AFP. “We and our partners have been ready for some time. The ball is in Iran’s court“, he added. The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell estimated on Friday that the visit “very positivethis week in Tehran of its emissary Enrique Mora had made it possible to relaunch the talks which wereto the point of death“. The negotiations “have been reopened” and “there is a prospect of reaching a final agreementhe said in Wangels, northern Germany where he is attending a meeting of G7 foreign ministers.
“We thank, as always“Enrique Mora”and his team for their efforts and look forward to further discussions with them.“Assured the American spokesperson. “That being said, at this stage an agreement remains far from certain.“, he relativized. The negotiations launched a year ago in Vienna between Tehran and the major powers aim to save the 2015 text supposed to frame the Iranian nuclear program, moribund since the unilateral withdrawal in 2018 of the United States which, under Donald Trump, reimposed stifling sanctions on Iran, resulting in its gradual disengagement from the agreement.
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