Iris Klein: After talking to Peter, she shoots Yvonne again

Iris Klein
She shoots again against Yvonne Woelke

Iris Klein

© Thomas Burg / Action Press

Shortly after Peter and Iris Klein met for a discussion, the latter is again not very forgiving. She announced via Instagram that her husband would continue to be in contact with his alleged affair Yvonne Woelke.

It’s a fight that seems never-ending. Iris Klein, 55, accused her husband Peter several weeks ago of cheating on her in Australia with Yvonne Woelke, 41, jungle camp companion of Djamila Rowe, 55. Peter and Yvonne vehemently deny this to this day. Actually, Iris was already talking about a divorce, but recently the 55-year-old met her husband for a discussion after her hospital stay. “Since the two have been a couple for 20 years and love each other very much, both are interested in a happy ending,” Iris management told RTL.

This turn of events could now stand in the way of the hoped-for happy ending: Daniela Katzenberger’s mother, 36, makes it public that Peter and Yvonne are still writing “secretly”.

Iris Klein: “Peter and Yvonne still write to each other secretly”

In her Instagram story, Iris Klein announces that she is retiring and now wants to take care of her health. But a few hours later she returns to the social media platform and vents her anger. “FYI … Peter and Yvonne are still writing to each other secretly !!! Last night again … So much for the topic, he wants to save the marriage !!!” She accuses. She is currently on the way to Mallorca with Peter and saw the textual exchange with her own eyes: “One look at his cell phone … that’s it. Both of them are lying!” Her husband and the actress should finally admit their affair publicly, she continues to emphasize.

Iris Klein: She shoots against Yvonne Woelke again


Iris Klein directs the floor to Yvonne Woelke

Finally, the mother of three shoots directly at Yvonne Woelke. The 41-year-old drew attention to herself a few days ago with two interviews. “Everyone thinks they know the truth. Ultimately, only two people know the truth, Peter and I,” Woelke told RTL, emphasizing: “We never had an affair, we never had anything together, I’ll emphasize that again now .” In an interview with the “Bild” newspaper, she also explained: “I didn’t do anything that I can blame myself for. I did my job there, nothing more. Everything else is wild rumors and fantasies.” In addition, Iris “started with the stress,” added Woelke’s good friend Janina Youssefian, 38.

Iris Klein is now responding to this with haunting words. “Yvonne…don’t forget to tell me in your next interview that you continue to WhatsApp my husband at night. [sic]”Despite the discussion between Iris and Peter, it is clear that an end to the dispute does not seem to be in sight.

Source used:, RTL,


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