Irregular cycle: causes and tips


An irregular cycle is not that unusual. We reveal what affected women should know about it and what can be done about it.

What is an irregular cycle?

A normal monthly cycle of the woman lasts between 26 and 32 days, the menstruation can be between two and seven days long. If the cycle isshorter or longer, there is an irregular cycle. One speaks in this case of a cycle or menstrual disorder. As a result, for example, the egg maturation can be impaired or ovulation does not happen – a pregnancy when children become so difficult. An irregular cycle occurs more often than one would expect: only very few women are really quite regular.

What are the causes of an irregular cycle?

There are several possible triggers for an irregular cycle. These include:

  • General hormonal imbalance: During puberty and menopause, many women have a hormonal imbalance that disturbs the cycle.
  • Chronic inflammation: Both the fallopian tubes and the ovary can ignite. In addition to an irregular cycle, this can cause symptoms such as severe abdominal pain and indigestion.
  • PCO Syndrome: This is a collection of benign ovarian cysts. Apart from an irregular cycle, increased male hair growth and severe overweight indicate the PCO syndrome.
  • Mental factors: Stress and permanent tension can disturb the complex interaction of the hormones – and thus the cycle.
  • Competitive sports : Anyone who does a great deal of sports and constantly pushes his body to its limits can disrupt the monthly cycle. Also possible: the period is off .
  • Miscarriages: Women who repeatedly suffer from miscarriages often have irregular and rare menstrual bleeding, which may also involve abdominal pain.
  • Contraception: Switching to hormonal contraceptives like the pill will also disrupt the cycle.
  • Thyroid Disorders: Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can make the cycle irregular.
  • Anorexia: Anorexia disturbs the monthly cycle. It then stops bleeding – or just spotting rather than period .

Also, the general way of life can cause cycle disorders – for example, an unbalanced diet or smoking.  This can also cause a very heavy menstrual bleeding .

When should I go to the doctor for an irregular cycle?

If the cycle is irregular only once, it does not have to be a cause for concern. But if you see the following symptoms, you should consult the doctor:

  • Cycle has been regular so far and suddenly it is not
  • Menstruation is less common and causes severe pain
  • Spotting occurs
  • The cycle is conspicuous, in addition it comes to male hair and weight gain
  • The weight varies greatly
  • Menstruation is left without a clear reason
  • Abdominal pains regularly occur during the entire monthly cycle

Tips against the problem: what can I do myself?

Unless the irregular cycle is caused by one’s own lifestyle, women can also try to treat the hormonal disorder themselves. These tips help:

  • Relax: If stress or mental imbalance is the cause of the discomfort, you should urgently try to relax. For example, yoga or autogenic training help.
  • Change diet: A healthy and balanced diet with lots of fiber, low-fat meat and dairy products and fruits and vegetables supports all physical processes – and thus a regular cycle.
  • Easy to move: No one has to do sports every day. But light exercise, for example, three times a week for 30 minutes of cycling or swimming, not only makes you fit, but also supports the hormone balance.