Is electrostimulation really an effective method to lose weight?

For several years, many sports coaches have been promoting electrostimulation, explaining that this technique can make you lose weight very quickly. But Anouk Garnier, sports coach, refutes the benefits of this technique: “There have been studies on athletes to see if it improves performance. The results were really not significant, there were very few results”, she explains in Well done for you on Europe 1.

A method to be used “in addition to a sports activity”

For her, the good results of electrostimulation can be explained by the profile of the people who use this technique: “These are generally sedentary people, who do not do any sports activities on the side, so inevitably, it brings results right now”.

Anouk Garnier thus explains the results, not by the method, but by just the simple fact of exercising. “It is not this method that makes you lose weight. Using the technique of electrostimulation forces you to do squats, so it is by doing this that you lose weight”, analyzes the one who calls herself the “Warrior “.

However, the sports coach does not entirely put this method aside and advises to use it “in addition to a sports activity”.

Is electrostimulation dangerous?

However, after a session where electrostimulation is used, users complain of body aches. Pain which is explained for Anouk Garnier by the “presence of a high electrical intensity”, which according to her can be dangerous for health: “If you have big aches, it means that there is a lot of acidity in the muscles. And it can be dangerous to have so many areas stimulated, “she explains on Europe 1.

To avoid putting yourself in danger, she recommends enlisting the services of a professional, who will more easily adapt the workload to the levels of the athlete.

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