Is Giorgia Meloni shaking the euro?

These are hard times for Europe. Inflation, delivery bottlenecks, rising energy prices and above all the war between Ukraine and Russia. As if that weren’t enough, the next piece of bad news follows. What is meant is the upcoming change of government in Italy. The fact is that the alliance is strong on anti-European issues. For example, a possible exit from the eurozone is part of the debate.

Is Italy leaving the euro zone?

reasons for one exit from the euro However, from the point of view of the new right-wing government, there would be many. On the one hand, the possibility of free inflation of one’s own national currency should be mentioned here. The supposed advantage: By devaluing its own currency, Italy could work towards reducing its national debt. Another reason could be an improvement in the international competitiveness of the domestic economy. Because if your own currency is weak, this helps the export economy and thus also economic growth in the short term.

What does that mean for Bitcoin & Co.?

In today’s episode of the BTC-ECHO Invest Podcast, BTC-ECHO market experts Stefan Lübeck and Jan Heinrich Meyer discuss the reasons against an exit from the euro and what consequences the change of government in Italy could have for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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