Is it bad to sleep too much?

Both too much and too little sleep have a negative impact on the body. But then, how many hours should you sleep so as not to put your health at risk? We take stock with Laurence Albertini, Naturopath and Practitioner in Hypnosis.

While some people can't get more than six hours of sleep a night, others have absolutely no problem with it! But you have probably already noticed that when you sleep too much you sometimes feel even more tired. In reality, it's because too much sleep is just not that good for our body. "When we sleep "too much", that is to say more than 9 hours with associated drowsiness during the day and persistent fatigue, the risk lies in a possible desynchronization of our biological clock», Tells us Laurence Albertini, Naturopath and Practitioner in Hypnosis.

In 2015, researchers at the University of Sydney were able to prove that too much sleep was harmful to health. Published in 2015 in the scientific journal PLOS Medicine, the study claimed that sleeping more than 9 hours a day, combined with being very sedentary and not exercising, was as bad as smoking or alcohol. The subjects presenting this type of profile were indeed more likely to have cardiovascular diseases, or even diabetes.

"Many studies have indeed shown that sleeping too little or on the contrary, sleeping excessively are two behaviors associated with various diseases. The risks of coronary artery disease or stroke increase, diabetes and obesity are more frequent, headaches can appear, psychological disorders are also more present (depression, stress etc.), and there is also a decrease in faculties. cognitive», Continues Laurence Albertini.

How many hours should you sleep in order not to put your health at risk?

"Sleeping 6 hours or less, or more than 9 hours has a significant impact on health. The ideal duration of sleep being between 7 hours and 9 hours, it remains to be individualized.», Explains Laurence Albertini, before continuing:«In fact, everyone has their own “window to fall asleep”. Sleep doesn't just happen because of fatigue. We cannot fall asleep on command and, but rather when our body clock tells us to. You still have to listen to it and be available when this window opens! This window varies from person to person, but also according to age. So this is a very personal parameter".

How to improve the quality of your sleep?

  • Keep a steady pace

If you telecommute, set yourself a set schedule each day as well, and don't forget to take breaks to clear your mind. In order to rebalance your biological clock disturbed by the lack of outings, also remember to get some fresh air (even through the window) and to expose yourself daily for a few minutes to sunlight when there is some. "Going out and exposing yourself to daylight is the best synchronizer of the body clock», Declares Laurence Albertini.

  • Engage in physical activity

Even if the gyms are closed, physical activity is essential. In fact, the less you move, the less you exert yourself and the more difficult it will be to fall asleep at night. To "tire" your body, you avoid staying glued to your computer and force yourself to do at least 30 minutes of sport three times a week. "Regular physical activity helps to nourish and oxygenate cells, rid and filter waste and also fill up with dopamine and endorphins», Explains the professional.

  • Pay attention to your diet

Your diet has an influence on the quality of your sleep, but also on your energy. "In the morning, make way for proteins and fatty acids: a substantial breakfast that provides dopamine with, for example, fresh cheese, hummus, eggs, beans, poultry, ham, etc. At lunch, avoid mixing to facilitate digestion and get rid of the afternoon rush. Start the meal with a raw meal and avoid the protein-cereal duo. At dinner, choose cereals and vegetables, eat early and forget about proteins! Digestive capacity is reduced», Advises Laurence Albertini.

  • Avoid screens before going to sleep

Screens have invaded our daily life to the point of inviting themselves into our bed! However, to sleep well, we must know how to disconnect from all these sources of blue light that really disturb our nights. The light from screens significantly affects our biological clock and sends a paradoxical message to the brain: it gives it a signal both to wake up and to fall asleep. This shifts, or even suppresses, the secretion of melatonin, which desynchronizes circadian rhythms. This has the effect of delaying falling asleep and / or creating multiple awakenings. So a little advice: disconnect 1 to 2 hours before going to bed and prefer a good book!

Thanks to Laurence Albertini, Naturopath and Practitioner in Hypnosis.
1 villa in Reunion
75016 Paris
(Consultation at the office or by video)

6 tips to make it easier to fall asleep

Video by Clemence Chevallet