Is your child coughing? Here is an amazing grandmother’s remedy to try

Children are fragile little beings, when they are sick we would like to do everything necessary to make this history. Although the cough is most often benign, it is still very tiring for them. If you are looking for a grandmother’s remedy that will easily relieve your toddler, you have come to the right place!

If at first glance we might think it’s a joke when we reveal this tip to you, in reality it’s an astonishing grandmother’s tip that has already proven itself on numerous occasions. If you are more familiar with the famous grog made with honey and lemon when a loved one is suffering from the flu or a bad cold accompanied by a dry cough, know that there are other alternatives: l onion cut in half! And yes, this ingredient is not only used to add flavor to our dishes or to make us cry when we cut it!

So if your little blonde suffers from a persistent dry cough and you no longer know what to do to relieve it, all you have to do is test this natural tip by placing an onion cut in half in a small plate and under the baby’s bed, it will stay there all night. You can also cut it into several pieces, the more the better for the tip and you will definitely have to peel it first. So yes, you risk filling the room with a somewhat annoying odor, but if it works, it’s not a big deal!

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Why does onion work for dry cough?

If this tip is a grandmother’s remedy and has not been scientifically proven, the fact remains that many parents praise the method for its effectiveness. But how does it work ? The onion is rich in sulfur, the element which also causes our untimely tears when we cut it and which has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties, in quercetin an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory very good for health, but also in selenium, a trace element recognized for its antioxidant properties and for its action on the immune system. A little cocktail that helps keep coughs away from baby.

If this method is popular with parents for children and babies, some say that it also works for adults, but to a lesser extent. Obviously if the baby’s symptoms do not go away and he tolerates the disease less and less, no onion will be able to solve the problem and an appointment with the pediatrician is the most reassuring option.

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