Is your iPhone overheating and the battery draining? This strange solution might help you

Battery issues continue to plague some iPhone users. And the latest version of iOS 16.5.1 does not bring them relief. If however, for many the problems resolve themselves after a while, for others they persist and none of the tips or tricks have any effect.

The other day while browsing Apple support forums, I came across a possible method to overcome the iPhone battery drain issue.

This solution ? Reload iOS to iPhone, then recover your data from backup. Yes, I know, it’s hard work, but if it works (and a few people replied in the thread to say it worked for them) then it’s worth doing.

And if that doesn’t work, you won’t have lost anything except a little time.

But since you are erasing everything on your iPhone to be able to do this, it is important that you have made a good backup. Otherwise, the sequel may be painful.

How to implement this solution

1. Create a backup… or two!

There are two ways to back up an iPhone: to the cloud with iCloud, or to a Mac or PC using iTunes. Both methods are described in detail on Apple’s support site.

I recommend that you have both a cloud backup and a local backup, just in case something goes wrong.

Apple’s support tutorial does not mention that if you want your passwords saved when you back up locally with iTunes, you must encrypt your backup data and password protect it by selecting the local backup encryption option.

And in this case, do not forget this password either!

Once you’ve saved your backup, don’t use your iPhone. Otherwise you will very quickly have new data that you certainly do not want to lose and you will have to create new backups.

Another thing to check before erasing your iPhone: make sure you know your iCloud password.

2. Enter DFU Mode

DFU stands for Device Firmware Update and is a mode that is normally used to allow iOS to load on an unresponsive iPhone. Here we will use it to force a clean install of iOS.

To do this, you must have access to a Mac or PC with iTunes installed. You cannot do this directly from the iPhone.

To put your iPhone into DFU mode, you’ll have to go through a procedure that looks so much like a sleight of hand that requires you to press multiple buttons that you’ll feel like you need multiple hands.

Follow the instructions carefully and take your time. The operation can be tricky and it may take several attempts for your iPhone to enter DFU mode and be recognized by the Mac or PC.

Once the iPhone is in DFU mode and connected to the Mac or PC, choose Update in the pop-up window and follow the instructions.

If while downloading the update the iPhone exits the recovery mode screen, don’t panic! This can happen after 15 minutes of inactivity. Let the download complete on the computer, then put the iPhone back into DFU mode and reconnect it.

3. Recover your data

Once the installation of iOS in DFU mode is complete, it will be time to recover your data from the backup you made earlier.

How to do this depends on the backup method you used. Both methods are quite simple.

Unless you have a fast internet connection, I would probably use the local backup made using iTunes. Remember the password you used to encrypt your backup? I hope so, because you need it now.

4. Test the iPhone

Use it normally for about a week and see how the battery lasts.

Note that reinstalling iOS may take a few days, as many background tasks need to be done after installing iOS and restoring your data.

To Dig Deeper on iPhone Battery Problems

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