Is your living room hot? Use this trick to refresh it effectively

Overcoming a heat wave can be difficult, especially when it is hot inside your home. However, there is a simple and effective trick that will allow you to greatly reduce the feeling of heat and cool the rooms of your home one by one.

For the past few days, the heat wave has been in full swing in France, and temperatures can quickly reach 40°C, when the Sun is at its zenith. It is also obvious that global warming has serious consequences – the feelings of heat are becoming higher and higher, and fragile people must be extra careful. From now on, it is necessary to adopt certain gestures to guard against danger, even if you are at home.

If the feeling of heat makes your sleep or your daily life at home complicated, know that there is a very simple method, which will allow you to cool the rooms of your house effectively, thanks to a particular use of your fan. It was a Twitter user who shared it on July 18, 2022, in the midst of a heat wave. This trick, which works at night, can therefore be applied very effectively on July 20, when the outside is starting to cool off, but the accommodations are boiling hot after having stored up several days of extreme heat.

Directing the fan towards the window releases the accumulated heat

Chances are you’ve picked up a fan in the last few months (if not, take a look at our buying guide to the best current fans on the market). It is to him that we must turn for this tutorial.

The simple solution, which seems counter-intuitive, is to place this fan not in front of you, but facing outwards, towards your window. This will allow it, once in operation, to blow hot air from the inside to the outside and thus refresh the room in which you are.

Numerama’s editorial staff tested this trick; if the change in temperature is not overwhelming, we still felt a good difference after 15 minutes. The hottest air had left the room. The coolest area is behind the fan.

A fan facing the window is a good idea // Source: Numerama

This trick is also practical, since it also helps to drive away mosquitoes, which are very present during periods of heat and heat waves.

Don’t forget that the key to any protection against heat and heat waves is above all to prevent the sun’s rays from coming into contact with the glass surfaces of your place of residence (or work). We advise you, once the first step with the fan has been carried out, to keep your shutters or curtains closed.

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