Isabelle Rivère: “There is a ‘love story’ between the Queen and France”

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MAINTENANCE. The specialist in the British monarchy describes the special ties that the queen, a knowledgeable Francophile, had forged with our country, and our presidents.

Admiration and respect.  Elizabeth II and the President of the Republic Rene Coty, April 10, 1957. The sovereign loved France, and she proved it by making her first state visit to Paris.  The City of Light celebrates it and deploys all its splendor.  The four-day stay will end with a gala evening given at the Louvre.

Admiration and respect.
Elizabeth II and the President of the Republic René Coty, April 10, 1957. The sovereign loved France, and she proved it by making her first state visit to Paris. The City of Light celebrates him and deploys all its splendor. The four-day stay will end with a gala evening given at the Louvre.

Interview by Brigitte Hernández

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