Israel-Hamas: after France’s support for the ICC, Manuel Bompard believes the country “must draw conclusions” with AFP / Photo credit: Europe 1

France says it supports the decision of the International Criminal Court, whose prosecutor requested arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and three Hamas leaders. The decision delights Manuel Bompard, national coordinator of France Insoumise and guest this Tuesday on Europe 1 Soir with Pierre de Vilno. But he emphasizes that France must still act.

France “supports the International Criminal Court” (ICC) whose prosecutor has requested arrest warrants against Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, indicated the Quai d’Orsay in at night from Monday to Tuesday. Invited this Tuesday on Europe 1 Evening with Pierre de Vilno, Manuel Bompard, national coordinator of France Insoumise, welcomed this action.

“France must act”

According to Manuel Bompard, France is honored to recognize the independence of the International Criminal Court. “This body makes it possible to bring into existence the idea of ​​an international jurisdiction capable of prosecuting people who are responsible or suspected of being responsible, whether it is a Prime Minister of a democracy or whether it is subject to terrorist movements” , supports Manuel Bompard at the microphone of Europe 1 Soir.

But he reminds the government that France must act stronger than it already does with regard to the conflict. “I think that France must draw conclusions from this decision by the ICC prosecutor, in particular to move now to a stage of sanctioning the Israeli government. France must act at the European level to decree an embargo on arms deliveries,” he criticizes. He concludes on this subject that France must stop the delivery of weapons to a “Prime Minister who is suspected of committing war crimes, or even crimes against humanity”.

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