Israel-Hamas: in Washington, 200,000 people gathered in support of Israel and to denounce anti-Semitism

Aviva Fried (in the United States) / Photo credits: MELISSA BENDER / NURPHOTO / NURPHOTO VIA AFP

After Sunday’s march in Paris, which brought together 100,000 people, 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington to demonstrate their support for Israel and their rejection of anti-Semitism, which is growing in American society, particularly on campuses. A march where Democrats and Republicans marched united.

Has France set an example in the fight against anti-Semitism? Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of Washington in support of Israel and against anti-Semitism. According to the organizers, American Jewish associations, there were even more than 200,000. A significant figure for an event organized on a weekday. Participants came from all over the United States, in a gathering that succeeded in uniting Democrats and Republicans.

A demonstration to free hostages held by Hamas

Streams of people poured onto the National Mall in Washington, this immense esplanade in front of the Capitol. Everyone chanted “Bring them home”. These were obviously the hostages, whose portraits were brandished by the vast majority of participants. A very moved crowd, particularly by the testimony of Alana Zeitchik: six members of her family were kidnapped on October 7. “I wake up every morning, and I remember that my family is being held hostage by terrorists,” she said.

Democrats and Republicans hand in hand

The most senior members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, hand in hand, repeating in unison: “We are with Israel.” A surreal scene, which the President of the House of Representatives, Republican Mike Johnson, did not fail to point out. “There are few things in Washington that can so easily bring together leaders from both parties and two assemblies. But the survival of the State of Israel and its people unites us,” he said.

A sacred union also against anti-Semitism. In the United States, since October 7, anti-Jewish acts have increased by 400%.

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