Israel war in the live ticker: +++ 01:24 Israel kills members of Hezbollah elite brigade in air strikes +++

Israel war in the live ticker
+++ 01:24 Israel kills members of Hezbollah elite brigade in air strikes +++

According to the militia, at least five of its members were killed in Israeli air strikes on pro-Iranian Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. Among them is the son of the leader of Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc in the Lebanese parliament, Mohamed Raad. Lebanese security sources say those killed were members of Hezbollah’s elite brigade, Al Radwan. Accordingly, a house in the village of Beit Yahoun in southern Lebanon was hit. Israel’s military says troops and warplanes attacked a “terror cell” that attempted to fire rockets into Israeli territory. A “terror cell” that fired on troops was also hit.

+++ 00:14 Biden speaks with al-Sisi: “The USA will not allow forced relocation from the Gaza Strip” +++
US President Joe Biden assured in a conversation with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi that the US “will under no circumstances allow the forced relocation of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, the occupation of the Gaza Strip or the redrawing of the borders of the Gaza Strip.” But Gaza should not remain a refuge for Hamas, Biden continued in the phone call. According to the White House, he also emphasized his “commitment to the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

+++ 23:10 Israel: No hostage releases before Friday +++
According to Israeli information, it will take at least another day for the first abductees to return from the Gaza Strip in accordance with the agreement with Hamas. The negotiations are ongoing, explains security advisor Tzachi Hanegbi. The release will begin “according to the original agreement of both sides and not before Friday.” The reasons for the delay are unclear. According to Israeli media reports, discussions over the precise terms of the ceasefire may not yet be complete.

+++ 22:25 Israel’s army exposes Hamas tunnel system under Shifa hospital +++
The Israeli army says it has uncovered further parts of a suspected Hamas tunnel system under the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip. The military is releasing videos and images showing additional entrances to tunnels as well as underground rooms and hideouts. The Israeli armed forces suspect that the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip is a command center for the Islamist Hamas. Buildings in the area surrounding the clinic were also included. Just a few days ago, during the controversial operation in the clinic, the military discovered a shaft that, according to the army, leads to a tunnel section, at the end of which there was an “explosion-proof” door after 55 meters. As the army now announces, behind the recently broken door there is an air-conditioned room and a bathroom as well as other shafts. According to the military, the tunnel system extends under the entire hospital building and other buildings in the area.

+++ 22:08 Netanyahu: Agreement with Hamas “right decision” +++
Ahead of the expected ceasefire in Israel and the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu describes the agreement with the Islamist Hamas as the “right decision.” However, the war will continue even after an agreement with Hamas is implemented, he emphasized again at a press conference in Tel Aviv. The fighting would continue until Israel achieved all of its objectives. In addition to the ceasefire, the agreement drawn up between Israel and Hamas also provides for the exchange of hostages from Israel for Palestinian prisoners. Specifically, up to 100 hostages from Israel could be exchanged for up to 300 Palestinian inmates in Israeli prisons.

+++ 21:50 UN welcomes agreement between Israel and Hamas as an “important step” +++
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed the agreement between Israel and the radical Islamic Palestinian movement Hamas on the release of 50 hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza. “This is an important step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done,” said a spokesman for the UN Secretary General.

+++ 21:26 Eight pro-Iranian fighters killed in US attacks in Iraq +++
Eight pro-Iranian fighters have been killed in US strikes on two targets in Iraq. The “precision strikes” with combat aircraft were carried out “as a direct response to the recent attacks by Iran and groups supported by Iran” on the armed forces of the USA and the US-led military coalition, the US military command Centcom, which is responsible for the Middle East, said in the online service X with. The Iran-backed Hezbollah Brigades announced the deaths of eight of its fighters. Already on Tuesday, the US said it carried out an attack on a Hajj al-Shaabi vehicle west of Baghdad, which Washington described as a “self-defense strike”. One person was killed and several others were injured. They were the first US attacks on targets in Iraq since the war between Israel and the radical Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas began six and a half weeks ago.

+++ 20:35 Israel’s army destroys Hamas’ secret service facilities +++
The Israeli army says it has destroyed Hamas military intelligence facilities in the Gaza Strip. The military said several Hamas terrorists were killed during the operation and weapons production facilities were uncovered. During the operation in the Issa and Tel el-Hawa districts, intelligence material, technical instruments and important information about the terrorist organization’s underground infrastructure were also collected, the statement said. It was Israeli forces from the paratrooper brigade who attacked the headquarters and a Hamas outpost.

You can read all previous developments here.

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