“It has nothing to do with my father”: Lola Dewaere confides in this syndrome which marked her childhood

Friday August 26, France 2 broadcast the first episode of season 3 of Astrid and Raphaëlle. The opportunity for the star of the series, Lola Dewaere, to confide in La Provence, in particular on her complicated schooling marked by a certain syndrome…

The atypical police duo Astrid and Raphaëlle made their comeback on France 2 this Friday August 26 for a third season of anthology. On this occasion, Lola Dewaereinterpreter of Raphaëlle, engaged in a confessional interview for Provence. She explains that she immediately loved her role. “I loved this duo of female cops with a typical neuro and an atypical”, she confided. And to continue:But when I think about it, it’s very strange that I allowed myself to call the production and ask them to trust me for this character.

In effect, Patrick Dewaere’s daughter announces to suffer from impostor syndrome.” “It’s not a problem of legitimacy because it has nothing to do with my father, said the actress. It’s rather that I come from a family of intellectuals and that I was the only one to have a catastrophic schooling.A feeling of inferiority that followed her throughout her childhood, and that she still drags today, at 42 years old.

Lola Dewaere: “I felt stupid”

“In their eyes, I could see that I was a problem, I felt stupid. I still drag myself today. I still have no confidence in myselffrankly declared Lola Dewaere. And the star of the small screen admits it, this syndrome of the impostor has a direct impact on his personal life, in particular on her decision not to have children. “With everything I’ve been through, I feel uncomfortable on this ground. I would be too afraid of not being a good mother. I’m an actress, so I can be damn selfish, I don’t want to put a child through that.” had she already confided a year ago in the columns of Here is.

© Denis Guignebourg / Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
Friday August 26, France 2 broadcast the first episode of season 3 of Astrid and Raphaëlle

© Denis Guignebourg / Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
On this occasion, Lola Dewaere gave a confession interview for the newspaper La Provence

© Denis Guignebourg / Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
She explains that she immediately loved her role

© Denis Guignebourg / Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
“I loved this duo of female cops with a typical neuro and an atypical one,” she said.


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Lola Dewaere
Also, the actress confided to suffer from the syndrome of the impostor


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Lola Dewaere
Lola Dewaere said she had a very complicated schooling

© Jack Tribeca / Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
“I come from a nerd family and I was the only one with a terrible education,” she said.

© Christophe Aubert via Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
“I felt silly,” she said.

© Giancarlo Gorassini/Bestimage

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Lola Dewaere
A feeling of inferiority that still follows her today, at 42


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Lola Dewaere
Lola Dewaere clarified that this feeling had nothing to do with her father, actor Patrick Dewaere

© Giancarlo Gorassini/Bestimage

12/12 –

Lola Dewaere
Lola Dewaere lost her father Patrick Dewaere, who committed suicide, when she was only two years old

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