“It is fundamental to recognize feminicide in the law”

Presidential 2022. Candidate for the presidential election, Yannick Jadot detailed to Aufeminin his proposals to fight against violence against women.

Questioned by Aufeminin, Yannick Jadot answered various questions on various themes, little or not mentioned in the presidential campaign of 2022. The candidate of Europe Écologie Les Verts for the presidency of the Republic thus evoked his positions on various themes, ranging from education to women’s health. He also spoke about violence against women.

Yannick Jadot thus mentioned the reception of women in police stations when filing a complaint and mentioned ways to improve it. He also says he is in favor of the establishment of the notion of feminicide in French law. Yannick Jadot also denounced “rape culture“which marks society and authorizes men to believe”that they can dispose of women’s bodies“. The candidate judges “essential to educate children, from primary school, on the question of respect, tolerance and relational and emotional life, to develop empathy and psychosocial skills.” Find all of his answers below.

Yannick Jadot: his proposals to improve the care of victims of violence at the police station

In 2021, 113 women died, killed by blows from their spouse or ex-spouse. How do you intend to facilitate the filing of complaints and encourage victims to speak?

We will expand the ability to file a complaint within all hospitals and medical spaces. Victims who wish to do so may lodge a complaint directly on the spot with a judicial police officer contacted by hospital staff, in a suitable room made available and which will allow the confidentiality of exchanges with the police to be respected. or the gendarmes who came. We will also fight against refusals of complaints by setting up a dedicated reporting number, and we will grant legal aid as soon as a complaint is filed.

The care of victims at the police station is complicated, painful and sometimes risky. How do you intend to facilitate their filing of complaints and improve the reception of victims?

Aware of the fact that many women do not file a complaint because of the poor reception on the part of certain police officers (inappropriate questions, questioning of the victim’s word, guilt, etc. ) and the difficulties of announcing the reason for her coming to a crowded police station, we want to allow women to file a complaint in the best possible conditions. We will deploy dedicated rooms in all police stations for the reception of victims of violence on the model of the Mélanie protected hearing rooms set up for child victims of sexual violence, and allowing all the necessary medical and psychological examinations be made on site.
We will provide real training for all professionals in contact with victims to fight against all sexist prejudices, raise awareness and engage professionals to take up the issue.

In 2020, one in five victims had already filed a complaint. How to better apply the law and avoid recidivism? Isn’t there a legal way to protect women victims of violence?

In order to allow better application of the law and to speed up procedures, we will set up specialized courts, with single judges ruling on criminal and civil matters. We will strengthen the protective devices: removal of violent ex-spouses, serious danger telephone, anti-reconciliation bracelets and we will triple the places of accommodation specialized for the reception of women with the aim of guaranteeing a place of accommodation for women. victims of violence, and if necessary, their children.

Yannick Jadot in favor of the use of the notion of feminicide

Should the notion of feminicide enter French law?

Some magistrates are already using the term “feminicide”. Others refuse to do so, preferring notions that they consider more neutral. But there is nothing neutral about this crime. Killing a person because of their gender is not neutral. 113 women died under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouse in 2021, it is not neutral.
To hear about “crime of passion” when this formula has been removed from the penal code since 1975 is unbearable.

It is fundamental to name things and to recognize in the law a state of affairs by using this term already assimilated into everyday language and appearing in the dictionary since 2015.

Should a member of the government accused of sexual assault or violence be kept in office?

No, he will have to resign from his post. We will remove the perpetrators and the indicted for acts of gender-based and sexual violence from the composition of the government, their teams and senior public service positions.

1 in 2 women has already suffered sexual violence in France. How do you intend to fight against this?

This figure is indicative of our society deeply marked by the culture of rape and in which men grow up thinking that they can dispose of women’s bodies. It is essential to educate children, from primary school on, on the question of respect, tolerance and relational and affective life, in order to develop empathy and psychosocial skills.
From middle school, the issue of pornographic videos should also be addressed very seriously, because these images, viewed very young by boys and girls, give a completely erroneous representation of gender relations. Young boys and girls must be empowered to teach them to differentiate these images from the reality of affective relationships. We will also fight against sexist representations and the over-sexualization of women in advertisements and the media which contribute to a reification of women.

A third of women who had a first unwanted sexual intercourse were under 15 at the time of the incident. Is this minimum age of consent sufficient?

Beyond the minimum age of consent, our concern is that of the place of consent in the legislation. We want to redefine the definition of rape so that it is characterized by the absence of the victim’s consent, like in Spain, or more recently, in the Netherlands.

On incest, can the imprescriptibility of sexual crimes be included in the penal code? And how to promote the release of the words of the victims?

We are committed in our program to include the imprescriptibility of rape of minors in the Penal Code. To promote the release of the words of the victims, it is necessary above all to listen to them. The recent revelations of sexual assault and rape by high political or media personalities are the reflection of a society where women’s voices are often passed over in silence. Despite the progress made possible by the #metoo movement, women’s voices are still questioned. Through education, training and prevention on these issues, we want society as a whole to finally listen to women.

We also want to increase the presence of the medical and psycho-social profession in schools so that children have access to a neutral space where they will feel safe to confide in and find help.

Responsible for Aufeminin’s content, Philippe is passionate about current events, whether it concerns (many) social issues, or even culture, television programs, SVOD programs, …

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