“It is inconceivable that the deployment of artificial intelligence will take place without public debate and without evaluation of its impact on our work”

Lhe excitement around the new generation of artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, maintained by tech multinationals, must offer the opportunity to question the issues linked to this acceleration of technical progress. They are social, economic, ethical, democratic, and question the very model of its development with regard to its environmental impact. Do we need AI everywhere, and for what? Do we want to depend on AI in carrying out our missions? What are the limits of its development?

Far from asking these questions, the government, with its Artificial Intelligence Commissionpublished, on March 13, a report containing 25 recommendations so that “France can benefit from this technological revolution”. Its recommendations are accompanied by budgets of several billion euros which, unsurprisingly, will go into the pockets of private companies, without conditioning the public aid paid and without providing guarantees for workers and citizens.

By engaging the nation even faster and even further » in digital and “without regulation”, as Bruno Le Maire announced on September 19, 2023, the government is freeing itself from any debate, which is nevertheless necessary to introduce such technology capable of reshaping our societies. For CGT engineers, executives, researchers and technicians, the design, implementation conditions and use of AI devices require a real societal debate. This would also be an opportunity to revitalize our democracy, by putting social relations and collective bargaining, which have been left at half-mast, at the center of the issues. Democracy cannot be decreed with 49.3. It needs its intermediary bodies and its unions to exist.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Artificial intelligence: an action plan to place France “at the forefront”

Work, in all its dimensions, sheds light on the subjects to be addressed to respond to social and environmental challenges, and constitutes a powerful lever for guiding and best supporting human developments. It is by mobilizing these new technologies that we will be able to guarantee the ecological transition and ensure social progress. Digital, with all its variations (AI, connected objects, blockchain, RFID chips [de l’anglais Radio Frequency Identification]etc.) makes it possible to obtain traceability of company activity on the social and environmental conditions of manufacturing services and manufactured products.

Political objectives

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