It is now easier to combine MaPrimeRénov’ and the eco-PTZ, Actualité/Actu Immobilier

Since July 1, obtaining a zero-rate eco-loan (eco-PTZ), combined with MaPrimeRénov’, has become less tedious.

The eco-PTZ is a bank loan without interest, application fees or penalties in the event of early repayment, initially devoted to financing the purchase of new or old real estate with work conditions. MaPrimeRénov’ is state aid that has replaced the energy transition tax credit (CITE).

A new category of eco-PTZ

The two devices were already cumulative, but the State came to facilitate this option by creating a category of dedicated eco-PTZ. Until now, the eco-PTZ required in particular to provide a certain number of documents in the file (description of the work, invoices, etc.) of the loan application which are no longer necessary.

To request the benefit of a zero-rate eco-loan, a notification from the ANAH attributing MaPrimeRénov’ for your work is now sufficient. However, this notification must not be more than six months old, and the work must not have started more than three months before the issue of the eco-PTZ offer.

The measure is a welcome response to the financing of the “residual charge”, this amount of work not covered by state aid.

Accelerating the pace of “major” renovations, a challenge for the State

Massively used by households, MaPrimeRénov’ essentially concerns “one-off actions” (changing a heating system, insulating a ceiling, etc.), and few “global” energy renovation operations ( the combination of a set of works), considered to be the most effective techniques for reducing the carbon footprint of a home.

The number of these “global” renovations must accelerate if France wishes to achieve its objective of carbon neutrality in 2050, but these projects remain very expensive, remaining inaccessible to many households. Several thousand euros, even tens of thousands of euros, remain the responsibility of owners or condominiums after the application of public aid.

Renovation advance loan

The government has tried to provide solutions to finance this remaining charge under the Climate and Resilience law. The organization of public support structures for households to carry out works has been redesigned with the deployment, since the beginning of the year, of the France Rénov’ system, which includes a service for individualized support for individuals in their projects. , and the introduction of a “renovation advance loan”, a mortgage loan targeting low-income households.

The simplification of the application for an eco-PTZ as part of its accumulation with MaPrimeRénov’ completes these measures.

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