it reveals how the disease was diagnosed


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Louis Laforge, journalist for France Info recently announced that he had survived cancer. He chose to bear witness to this painful experience.

“A kidney, a ureter canal, a piece of small intestine and colon and above all one less cancer”, this is how Louis Laforge chose to announce his victory against the disease on Twitter. The journalist who we saw on France 3 and who now works at France Info is happy to have recovered from his cancer. He posted a photo of himself in the hospital to announce that a year later he is cured.

The journalist was a guest on the show It’s up to you of September 1, he agreed to come back in detail on his journey as a patient. First of all, he has the diagnosis of the disease which he had absolutely no suspicion of.

“I had a little discomfort, which became a little pain: I was consulted and that’s how the doctors saw that I had cancer. Little pains should not be underestimated”warns Louis Laforge on the set of It’s up to you.

Difficulty letting go as a patient

Louis Laforge never ceased to praise the health services and the medical team who took care of him. Beyond the difficulty of accepting the disease, the journalist recognizes that he had to learn to let go to let the doctors treat him.

“Because we do TV, we want to control everything, the schedule, the images, the time that passes, we are spoken to in the headset… But then, once you get back to the hospital, you no longer control anything and you let yourself be, admits the journalist.

Upon diagnosis, Louis Laforge discovered he had a tumor “big as a golf ball”. Treatments and surgeries allowed him to get out of it. The journalist also explained to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, “Lucky to be in a country where public hospital costs are borne by the community. We are well and very well cared for by very great professionals.”

An intimate and hopeful testimony from the journalist. His frankness and his story were very much appreciated. The message about his remission has been viewed over a million times on Twitter.

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