It starts today: they join forces to make the one who cheats on them have a bad time

Alyson and Angélique were the guests of Ca commence today this Monday, April 4. Faced with Faustine Bollaert, they spoke of their friendship, born following a rivalry.

In his show It starts today, the presenter Faustine Bollaert talks about current affairs, which speak to everyone. This Monday, April 4, she received Alyson and Angélique, two women who, at first rivals, finally became very good friends. Indeed, both maintained a relationship with the same man and they did not hesitate to join forces when they discovered it. “How did you corner him, this man?“, asked Faustine Bollaert. “We were at the restaurant. I was the official, with his family and friends and Alyson, it was his ex“, began Angelique. “He had reconnected with her, without my knowing it and she ended up telling me“, she continued. Some time after, the two women decided to put the man in question in front of his error.We decided to trap him in a restaurant, about fifty kilometers from where we lived.“, she clarified before adding: “I told Alison to take her to a restaurant and order whatever’s most expensive on the menu, treat yourself.”. An affirmation which curiously amused the presenter, impatient to hear the rest.

Determined to get revenge, Alison and Angélique have come up with a very precise plan. “She did it and I arrived at the end of the meal so that she could enjoy it a little anyway“, remembered Angélique. A moment that marked her a lot. “I came from behind, he was outside the restaurant with Alyson. I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and broke down“, she said before specifying: “He ran away. I couldn’t say anything to him, it was quite comical. There was no possible communication, he really left very quickly. No matter how hard I tried to catch up to him, he completely disappeared“. Subsequently, the two young women are “both returned together. It was I who took her so he was left there“, indicated Alyson. “He saw us both go by, in the same car and he continued, two seconds later, calling Angelique telling her that it was me who was talking nonsense and then he did the same with me“, she added, still very surprised by this initiative. If they are very close today, Alyson and Angélique did not hesitate to declare that, from the start, he had “tried to pit us against each other“.

Alyson: how did she meet the man in question?

Faced with Faustine Bollaert, Alyson explains that she stayed in contact with this man because he is “the father of my children. We had normal relations as parents. I knew he had a relationship with Angelique“. Everything escalated when he “started to compliment me, to value me a lot“, she continued before clarifying that she had “no ulterior motive“. However, things soon separated and while they were both in a relationship with him, Alyson and Angelique decided to set him up. A deception that allowed them to become close friends.


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