“It was complicated”, the very moved comedian confides in his anorexia

This Sunday, March 17, three new personalities were guests of A Sunday in the Country. Among them, Jeanfi Jenssens, who spoke about a difficult period of his life: his adolescence, where he suffered from anorexia.

Every week, viewers find Frédéric Lopez in the show A Sunday in the countryside. A program where three celebrities come together in a house to talk about themselves. They confide like never before, talking about their childhood, their adolescence, their journey. This week, Zabou Breitman, Jeanfi Jenssens and Pierre de Maere were in the spotlight. Each of them had the opportunity to talk about their childhood, sometimes difficult despite loving parents, sometimes complicated because of financial problems. This was particularly the case for the humorist and flagship columnist of Big heads, Jeanfi Jenssens. He explains that he lived great years alongside his family, being the last of four children. Unfortunately, she also experienced dark times, after financial and administrative difficulties endured by her parents.

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From the start of the show, participants are invited to confide and talk to the child they were. While Zabou Breitman spoke about the difficulties she experienced with her parents at the end of Thierry la Fronde, Jeanfi was also invited to speak about her childhood and adolescence. This last period was particularly complicated for him. He explains in particular that he suffered a lot from being sent to boarding school: “It traumatized me and I had anorexia. I was sick, I became a pothead, I drank up to nine liters of water a day.” And if this was difficult for the young man to deal with, he confides that at that time in their lives, his parents had their own demons to fight: “My parents, poor people, didn’t necessarily have the attention to manage that at that time because they were struggling with administrative and financial suffering, so it was complicated.”

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Jeanfi returns to his brother’s suicide

During this interview, the comedian also returned to a moment traumatic of his life: the death of his brother. He returns in detail to this moment which turned his family’s life upside down: “I went to the hotel and when I arrived the receptionist said to me: Your mother called, your brother is dead.” I called my mother, and I understood from her screams what had happened..”

After that, he came back down and slapped the receptionist. He then explains that he was in denial for 24 hours during which his brother had not died. His trauma was so great that he also reveals that, for fifteen years, he did not go to his brother’s grave.

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