“It was going to be bad for me…”: Nicolas (Koh-Lanta) came close to the worst, big injury and explanations

The casting level of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem is high ! Among the Robinson apprentices who came to win the title of ultimate survivor, viewers discovered several sportsmen such as the sports coach and footballer’s wife Anne-Sophie Mounier, the basketball player Yannick or even Nicolas, entrepreneur also keen on sports. His determination, the 39-year-old Southerner draws it from his experience, in particular this drama which almost cost him dearly.

In mid-February 2022, a few days before the start of the survival game, Nicolas gives himself up with an open heart to our colleagues fromGard objective. The opportunity for the adventurer to talk about his career. He devoted ten years of his life to sport since he was a student in sports studies and never gave up. “In the end I specialized in ski cross, a discipline which did not yet have a French team and which was not Olympic. I didn’t want to struggle several years before this sport was recognized“, he confides. Subsequently, the one who held harsh words towards Stéphanie in front of the TF1 cameras set up his own company specializing in racket sports, ranging from the repair of strings to the sale of equipment in through textiles and footwear.

Nicolas discovered a passion for squash. The athlete with blonde curls even plays at the Elite level…until 2018, when he was forced to slow down. “I came in for a knee infiltration and five days later my arm started getting infected.. I’m not 100% sure it’s related but there’s no smoke without fire. My nerves have been reduced to the maximum down to the fingertips. It was going to be bad for me because I risked losing my right arm, he remembers then. Finally, everything is back to normal for Nicolas. A miracle… and above all a rigorously followed rehabilitation. “I worked on my arm so much that I came back to 100%. Beyond rehabilitation, there is also a part of luck because I thought my arm was going to die out“, he specifies.

Losing the use of his arm would have been an insurmountable tragedy for Nicolas, a seasoned athlete who has never had a glass of alcohol or smoked a cigarette. “It was the hardest test of my life. When you learn that you can lose a limb, it takes a big toll on morale. But when you’re in the hole, you have to take up”, he admits. This new start goes through the fulfillment of a dream, that of participating in Koh Lanta. “Even when I was hurt, I told my parents that I would do it“, he concludes. An iron determination that will certainly earn him a nice run on the air!

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