it will soon be much faster to share files between Android smartphones

The latest beta of Quick Share, the file sharing service between Android smartphones, has revealed a new upcoming feature. It will in fact be possible to generate a QR code to scan so that the two devices connect automatically. Enough to save a few precious seconds.

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In just a few months, Quick Share has become the reference solution for sharing files between Android smartphones. Formerly Nearby Share before its merger with Samsung technology, Quick Share has since evolved significantly to finally offer a service similar to Airdrop, from the Apple ecosystem. And it’s not finished yet. The leaker AssembleDebug has indeed spotted a little new feature in the latest beta of Google Play Services.

Currently, the connection between two smartphones is done automatically. When you want to share a file, the source device searches for nearby devices connected via Bluetooth. The process is simple in that the user does not have to do anything while waiting for the connection to take place, but it must be admitted that the latter can sometimes take a while – or even not work at all. Google is therefore obviously working on a solution.

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How Google will make Quick Share faster

This solution takes the form of a QR code. This can be generated by opening Quick Share, via a new option “Share via a QR code” displayed on the screen. By clicking on it, Quick Share will actually generate a QR code that the recipient of the file can scan to connect to the source smartphone. As usual, however, Bluetooth and Location will need to be activated on both smartphones for this to work.

This QR code will undoubtedly resolve connection problems between devices, since the latter will no longer have to “find” each other by themselves. Likewise, if the search takes too long, users can fall back on this solution instead of waiting indefinitely for the connection to be made. Of course, it will be impossible to scan this QR code with iPhone. For the more curious, this simply redirects to the Quick Share support page.

Source: Android Authority

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