its 12 surprising health benefits

What's not to love with cinnamon? This delicious spice, used for centuries by traditional Chinese medicine, has many health benefits. Stay with us, we'll tell you everything!

We all have a little pot of cinnamon at home! In winter, we love it as an infusion but we love sprinkling it even more on a still warm homemade compote, rice pudding or incorporating it into our cake recipes. If, like us, you're addicted to cinnamon rolls, it doesn't really matter that much because this little brown spice actually contains many health benefits. Surprising properties to say the least that you may not have known!

How do I add cinnamon to my diet?

Before discussing all the benefits and properties of cinnamon, here are several ways to add cinnamon to your diet:

  • In the coffee
  • In tea
  • In your compote
  • In your rice pudding
  • In your pastries (brioche, cinnamon roll etc.)
  • On an apple pie
  • In a fruit salad
  • In a sauce to accompany chicken or beef

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Did you know that there are two types of cinnamon?

There are currently two types of cinnamon:

  • Chinese cinnamon, also called cassia
  • Ceylon cinnamon

In stores, Ceylon cinnamon is the best-selling and most available on the market. It is also the one that contains the most active ingredients and the one we are used to consuming today.

How to differentiate the types of cinnamon and their different properties?

Cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon are totally different, although both belong to the same Lauraceae family. Both come from a tree: the Chinese cinnamon for one and the Ceylon cinnamon for the other. When they are not ground, they are easily distinguished by their sticks.

Ceylon cinnamon sticks are made of several thin layers of bark coiled together. They crumble with the touch of a finger. On the contrary, cassia cinnamon sticks consist of a single layer of very thick and very hard bark.

In supermarkets, they usually do not differentiate between these two types of cinnamon. However, it is rather easy to tell them apart by the smell. Cassia cinnamon reveals a powerful and peppery fragrance, tangy and spicy notes. The scent of Ceylon cinnamon is much lighter and more delicate. Its more subtle and sweet taste.

Cinnamon: its 12 surprising benefits

  • An anti-bloat remedy

Adding cinnamon to your diet significantly reduces bloating thanks to its digestive properties. Antioxidant, it helps soothe diarrhea, colic and manifestations of fermentation such as bloating, gas and flatulence. It thus clearly improves intestinal transit. To feel the benefits, we advise you to consume it in the form of herbal tea.

  • It effectively treats athlete's foot

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that usually affects the skin between the toes. Renowned for its purifying qualities, cinnamon essential oil is recommended to fight against skin fungal infections. It will indeed be particularly effective against microscopic yeasts of the Candida type. The cinnamaldehyde which mainly composes it is one of the most active compounds on these yeasts.

  • It eliminates bad odors

Did you cook fish? Using cinnamon is a great way to get rid of stubborn odors at home. Nothing could be simpler: immerse the cinnamon in a small saucepan of water and heat this mixture on the fire. Cinnamon will quickly neutralize bad odors. You can also use cinnamon oil to clean floors and walls. This eliminates bacteria and mold caused by humidity.

  • It is effective against colds

Cinnamon would be very effective in fighting against winter infections such as colds or flu. In addition to its antioxidant properties, this little brown spice is an excellent source of manganese, iron and calcium. It thus strengthens the immune system and clears the respiratory tract in the event of a cold. To do this, steep two cinnamon sticks for about 5 minutes in a cup of boiling water. Add a teaspoon of lemon, half a teaspoon of honey and grated ginger to it.

Infused in water, cinnamon purifies the digestive system and thus promotes weight loss. Cinnamon is also known to be a natural fat burner. It accelerates the metabolism, and thus burns excess calories, thus leading to fat loss. Finally, cinnamon gives a faster feeling of satiety and therefore naturally reduces daily caloric intake.

  • It boosts brain performance

Research has been conducted at the Healthspan Center highlighting the beneficial potential of cinnamon in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Cinnamon is believed to increase the production of sodium benzoate in the brain, a compound that acts directly on the hippocampus, an area essential for memory and learning.

  • It controls blood sugar

Cinnamon slows down the absorption of glucose by the body. Thus, cinnamon water would tend to lower the level of sugar in the blood. Cinnamon has been shown in several studies to help improve blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon is also renowned for its anti-aging properties due to its high content of antioxidants, especially tannins. These help the body fight against free radicals responsible for the aging of our cells such as pollution.

  • It is a muscle relaxant

Cinnamon contains powerful anti-inflammatory drugs and helps relieve pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. A massage with cinnamon oil, for example, will be perfect for relaxing the muscles after a sports training. It will then be ideal for your moments of relaxation and relaxation.

  • It relieves period pain

If you have a painful period and the medications are not affecting your pain, you should know that cinnamon has antispasmodic, blood thinners, and anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve period pain. To enjoy its benefits, all you need to do is drink several cups of cinnamon tea.

Very beneficial for bone growth, cinnamon is an excellent source of calcium. It helps fight osteoporosis – a diffuse skeletal disease characterized by a decrease in bone density and alterations in the micro-architecture of the bones – and naturally strengthens the bones.

  • An effective remedy for acne

Thanks to its antibacterial powers, cinnamon is said to be an effective remedy against acne. For some people, the honey cinnamon mask helps soothe skin problems. Be careful, cinnamon can be abrasive to the skin, so it is important to respect the dosages. To combat pimples and blackheads, mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply to acne-prone areas and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Where to buy cinnamon?

> Ground Ceylon cinnamon, € 3.04 per 50g packet on Greenweez

> Cinnamon in Organic Tubes, € 3.14 on the 25g packet on Greenweez

> Pukka organic 3 Cinnamon herbal tea, € 4.18 on Greenweez

> Organic Cinnamon Essential Oil, € 13.59 on Greenweez

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