“It’s a message from my love”: Nathalie Marquay upset by a new “sign” from Jean-Pierre Pernaut

In Instagram story, Nathalie Marquay unveiled a new sign which, according to her, was sent by her late husband, Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

Months pass but the pain is still there. On March 2, 2022, Nathalie Marquay lost the love of her life, Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who lost his fight against cancer. But the former Miss France is convinced that from where he is, her husband always thinks of her and who sends her signs. Thus, this Monday, October 10, the mother of Lou and Tom shared a video on Instagram, in which we can see her discovering a little ladybug : “Amazing! Look what I find on my sofa. I had just settled in”, she begins by declaring. “It’s a message of my love, I’m sure”.

Mystical signs which also appeared to him already on the day of the death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut : “For two months, I left the hospital every evening at 9 p.m. and the Eiffel Tower was off. The day he died, when he left, it was on, it was twinkling. That’s when we had our first date at the restaurant”, she confided. Jean-Pierre Pernaut would also manifest himself with his children. While Lou Pernaut was watching television one evening, a man said on the screen “I’m proud of you my daughter”. So many signs that allow Nathalie Marquay to think that her husband always thinks of his family.

mystical signs

Demonstrations that do good to Nathalie Marquay, like this day when in her house, under a portrait of the journalist produced by Nikos Aliagas, she evoked her fears concerning the financing of the studies of Lou and Tom. While she was cooking, she suddenly goes to her library. “I don’t know why, I was drawn to a book. I open it: there were 600 euros in cash. I was hallucinating. I was talking about money for studies, it’s a small sign”, told the widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

Nathalie Marquay: “I miss you so much”

For months now, Nathalie Marquay pays tribute to her husband as soon as she can. This was the case when she came back on stage : “He would be really happy to see me on stage tonight. You know Jean-Pierre, he’s someone who always liked to work, who could never stop. For him, I wanted to play tonight. Already when he was in the hospital and that I had canceled the performances, he yelled at me for not going. It was our eternal love combined with our shared passion for the theater that allowed me to get on You made me promise not to let go, I did. I miss you so much”.

A tribute to television

On July 2, she was also invited to the set of 12 strokes of noon to evoke his love: “Jean-Pierre was a fan of 12 noon shots and in particular of you, Xavier. He adored you, he admired you and he always asked himself: ‘But how does he go so fast to give the answers?’ Because he had trouble finding them! Congratulations from my man up there. Touching words from a woman who is still mourning the loss of her husband.

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