“It’s criminal!” : Valérie Pécresse embarrassed by the words of one of her supporters

Since January 9, an old video of a deputy LR has been controversial on social networks since the politician, support of Valérie Pécresse, calls into question the reality of climate change.

Anne-Laure Blin is MP The Republicans since the end of September 2020. The 38-year-old politician is also co-chair of the support committee for Valérie Pécresse in Maine-et-Loire. Since January 9, it is controversial on social networks, since an old interview she gave to the LCP channel last March, has been put online. Face camera in the show Emotion & me, she openly questions global warming issuesand even speaks of a “popular doxa”.

“I am not a climatologist, I am not a scientist. I indeed wish to have a certain number of elements which prove this question of global warming”, she launches while her interlocutor recalls that there is “scientific studies, which come to provide evidence”. “There are others who say the opposite”, replies Anne-Laure Blin, ensuring that “science is not unanimous” on the subject. On Twitter, in the comments area, Doctor Valérie Masson-Delmotte, co-chair of one of the working groups of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), could not help but react. The 50-year-old paleoclimatologist first pinned down the phrase “I am not a scientist”, which is a “hackneyed argument of American politicians” and “recycled” by MP LR “to deny the reality of global warming, of human influence on the climate, of the risks, and therefore of the responsibility to act”.

Discover the physical evolution of Valérie Pécresse

Yannick Jadot, very upset against Anne-Laure Blin

“Nothing new, alas”, she added, then addressing the politician directly: “Madam, I am at your disposal if you wish to visit a research laboratory in climate science, or if you have questions about recent IPCC reports.” For his part, Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate for the 2022 presidential election, attacked Anne-Laure Blin: “Saying that in 2022 is criminal.” He also took the opportunity to add the hashtag “Don’t look up”, relating to the successful American film available on Netflix since the beginning of December, evoking in particular the denial of politicians in the face of scientific discourse. Monday January 10, our colleagues from Franceinfo contacted Othman Nasrou, the spokesperson for the LR candidate. “I am not sure that Valérie Pécresse has vocation to comment on each statement of a deputy LR”, he said, recalling that the one that was recently splashed by a controversy concerning Gims, “had climate change recognized by the Academy of Sciences in 2010” and that she has “took the position on carbon neutrality in 2050”, proving “his concern on the subject”.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Bruno Bebert / Bestimage

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