“It’s for you Jean-Pierre”: Nathalie Marquay addresses her late husband on stage … Very great emotion

She has to move on, that’s what her late husband would have wanted. Just like last week, Nathalie Marquay came on stage to perform the play again The joker uncles. Surrounded by Philippe Chevallier and Bruno Chapelle in particular, the widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut was able to count on the support and the fervor of the public to carry it in this difficult moment.

At the end of the performance which took place in the town of Chauny, in Hauts-de-France, Nathalie Marquay published a video on her social networks. For long seconds, the mother of Lou (19 years old) and Tom (18 years old) filmed the public, standing. This standing ovation was certainly for the actors of Tontons pranksters, and more particularly Nathalie Marquay so strong in her mourning, but also for Jean-Pierre Pernaut, the eternal lover of the regions. At the end of the sequence, the 55-year-old former Miss France turned the lens towards her, speaking to her husband. “It’s for you Jean-Pierre, it’s for you. Kisses“, she told him. Nathalie Marquay is certain of it, the one who will forever remain the man of her life hears her and looks at her. “This evening in Chauny at the end of our representation of Uncle jokers, I couldn’t not think of you…“, also wrote Nathalie Marquay in the caption of the video published in particular on her Instagram page.

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