It’s getting wet – the end of the drought in Carinthia in sight

Not only rain, but even snow is announced in Carinthia. And the parched ground is in dire need of several lows.

After a month and a half of drought – the last significant rainfall in Carinthia occurred on February 15th – the rain that nature and agriculture have been waiting for so long is now coming. The weather is expected to change in the coming days. During the night on Thursday, an Adriatic low pushes over Carinthia. “The rainfall will be widespread and will bring an average of between 10 and 25 liters of precipitation per square meter,” says Ubimet meteorologist Michele Salmi. But in order to compensate for the drought – there was between 50 and 80 percent less precipitation than usual – a lot more lows like this are needed, of course. Another one is coming this weekend. After there will probably only be a few showers on Friday, it could even snow again in many parts of the country on Saturday. Sleet and morning frost “The forecast is still a bit uncertain, but there could even be some snowflakes in the Klagenfurt Basin, or at least it could give sleet. The snow line is between 700 and 800 meters,” says Salmi. “The temperatures will only reach low plus degrees.” As soon as the nights clear up, morning frost must be expected again!
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