It’s going to be exciting – the “Krone” Maypole election is entering the home straight

Where is the most beautiful maypole in Carinthia this year? We will soon know the answer to this question. Because the “Krone” competition is slowly entering the home straight. You have until Tuesday to register. Then our jury will select the trees for the final, which can be voted for on!

In 1991, the “Maypole of the Year” was sought and found in the “Krone” for the first time. In the years that followed, not only did the number of maypole pictures submitted increase, but so did the total number of fertility symbols erected across the country. Even during the pandemic, committed Carinthian clubs, groups, fire brigades, companies or families did not break with tradition – and put up their trees despite the sometimes tough conditions. This year the “Krone” experienced a veritable flood of submissions. Pictures of various fertility symbols came from all corners of Carinthia. Whether large or small, straight as an arrow or slightly curved – all trees are unique, are considered a sign of life and connect people. In this article we present some of our oddballs. Incidentally, an unforgettable day awaits the winners of the 2022 maypole election at the go-kart facility in Feistritz im Rosental. Submissions with contact details: maibaum2022
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