“It’s going to be touching”: in London, Federer supporters ready to say goodbye

Cédric Chasseur (special envoy to London), edited by Gauthier Delomez

It is the tennis event of this end of the year 2022: the legend Roger Federer plays the last match of his rich career on Friday evening, in doubles alongside Rafael Nadal as part of “his” Laver Cup. On site, in London, a few lucky spectators confide their emotion to the microphone of Europe 1.

A mixture of excitement and melancholy grips every fan at the mere mention of the name Roger Federer. The Swiss tennis legend is playing the last match of his long and rich career this Friday evening in London alongside his eternal rival, Rafael Nadal, as part of “his” Laver Cup. Many fans of the player with twenty Grand Slam titles made the trip, like Masha who came from the United States to see his idol.

“I bought my tickets six months before Roger Federer announced his retirement,” she said at the microphone of Europe 1, while some places have sold for around 60,000 euros in recent days.

“It’s a lot, a lot of emotion”

“I feel so privileged to be here to see him play again, but it makes me sad to know that I will never see him on a court again,” said the American fan. An emotion shared by Philippe, who came from Biarritz with friends who are fans like him of Roger Federer. “We were hoping to see him, already because he was off. And there, indeed, we know that this is his last. It’s a lot, a lot of emotion”, shares the Frenchman, who will therefore be part of the 20,000 lucky people attended the doubles match between the two tennis legends and the Americans Jack Sock and Frances Tiafoe.

Tears on and off the court

Tears are therefore likely to flow Friday evening at the O2 Arena in London for the last match of the Swiss player. Crying, on and off the court. Lynne, a Quebecer, is already struggling to retain her family. “He’s one of the greatest players, if not the greatest player of all time,” she said to Europe 1. “I think it’s going to be touching to see that and I hope that it’s going to be a great game too.”

Some fans were ready to shell out another fortune on the black market this Friday to see the maestro play. And cheer him on, as did the spectators present for the day session of the first day of the Laver Cup, when the European and World teams were presented.

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