“It’s not an ideal world, but…”: Thoughtful Tuchel talks about the Bayern locker room

“It’s not an ideal world, but…”
Thoughtful Tuchel talks about the Bayern dressing room

Noussair Mazraoui is allowed to remain a Bayern professional after the much criticized pro-Palestinian internet post. Tuchel welcomes the club’s actions. He also gives insights into the inner workings of the team. He’s really looking forward to Neuer’s imminent comeback.

In the delicate case of Noussair Mazraoui, Thomas Tuchel trusts the “small microcosm of the cabin”. As euphorically as the Bayern coach spoke about Manuel Neuer’s upcoming comeback after almost a year in just a few days, the 50-year-old went into depth about the inner workings of the Munich star ensemble. “We don’t have an ideal world in the dressing room, but a dressing room has a healing effect across all borders,” said Tuchel. In this dressing room, Mazraoui, who remains a Munich professional after his pro-Palestinian social media post, also meets his Israeli teammate Daniel Peretz.

“A dressing room, completely independent of religious beliefs and cultural differences, is always, as I have experienced it, a place where you can work peacefully, amicably and comradely towards a common goal,” said the Munich coach the day before the Bundesliga -Home game on Saturday (6.30 p.m./Sky) at FSV Mainz 05. Mazraoui will be missing from the record German football champion there due to an injury, but will continue to play for Bayern afterwards.

Mazraoui condemns “all forms of terrorism”

According to the club, the Moroccan international regrets any “irritation” that occurred. Mazraoui said shortly before Tuchel’s press conference that he condemns “all types of terrorism and all terrorist organizations.” The 25-year-old had shared a video on social networks wishing the Palestinians a victory in the conflict with Israel.

“Noussair Mazraoui has credibly assured us that, as a peace-loving person, he resolutely rejects terror and war,” said CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen. “FC Bayern condemns Hamas’ attack on Israel.” The Central Council of Jews in Germany considers the association’s actions “appropriate.” Mazraoui, on the other hand, “needed more remorse and self-correction.”

Tuchel speaks to Mazraoui and Peretz

Tuchel welcomed the club’s behavior in the “complex and very multi-layered” issue. “I stand by the content and this statement 100 percent,” said the 50-year-old. Tuchel revealed that he spoke to both Mazraoui and substitute goalkeeper Peretz, without going into the content. “We have to ask Daniel how he is doing, we have to take him seriously. We have to keep Nous in the community because that’s how it should be.”

The current situation is particularly difficult for Peretz, who is worried about family and friends in Israel. “It is our duty of care to talk to him and find out how he is doing and whether football is possible for him,” said Tuchel. Terrorists crossed the border with Israel on October 7th on behalf of Hamas, which rules in the Gaza Strip, and carried out massacres. Thousands of people have already died on both sides in the conflict.

Neuer should return against Darmstadt in a week

It was easier for Tuchel to talk about Neuer’s comeback plan than to talk about the situation in the Middle East that went “far beyond my area of ​​responsibility”. Not Mainz, most likely not the Champions League game on Tuesday at Galatasaray Istanbul, but the home game in a week against Darmstadt 98 should be the day Neuer returns to the Bayern goal after almost a year.

“Now we all have to slow down,” said Tuchel about the captain. He paid him “the greatest respect” for the “extraordinary performance” of the comeback. “I am 100 percent convinced that he will return to his highest level,” predicted Tuchel and justified his decision not to play the Mainz game: “My gut feeling agreed with his that we said 51 percent that we would still give him give it a little time.”

The 2014 world champion played his last game to date in Germany’s early World Cup exit in Qatar on December 1, 2022 against Costa Rica. After the tournament, Neuer broke his tibia and fibula on his right lower leg during a ski tour. The last time the long-time selection captain was in the Munich goal was on November 12, 2022 in a 2-0 away win against FC Schalke 04.

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