“It’s panic for me”: Jazz, positive for Covid-19, gives disturbing news of his daughter Chelsea

This Sunday, January 2, 2022, Jazz took to his Instagram account to express all his concern about the state of health of his daughter Chelsea. The reality TV star, positive for Covid-19, is afraid of having infected his offspring, suffering from a high fever.

Panic on board. Friday December 31, 2021, Jazz made his fans fear the worst by explaining that he had symptoms that were signs of a possible Covid-19 infection. Shortly before New Year’s Eve, the young mother who lives in Dubai then said on social networks that she was not in top form. “A good shit day like the year I spent. Fever, body aches, headache … I hope to be well to celebrate the end of this rotten year with my family and my friends tonight “, she said. The next day, Saturday January 1, 2022, Jazz started the year in a very sad way.

Indeed, the former candidate of Who wants to marry my son ? explained that he finally tested positive for Covid-19. “I have aches in my back and legs, like the flu actually. No runny nose, no cough. I haven’t lost my sense of smell yet. I’m in a panic that I don’t know how long this stuff is going to last. My eyes hurt. But I think that’s due to fatigue “, did she say. Sadly, Jazz doesn’t appear to be the only one who contracted the virus at home.

“It’s panic for me”

Sunday January 2, 2022, Jazz once again seized his Instagram account to say that his girl was sick. “Chelsea has a fever of 39.2, that’s it, it’s panic for me”, she said in the caption of a photo of her little girl whom she has to take care of because the nannies she usually calls on have left the premises because of this Covid-19 infection. Jazz then says in Story that his daughter has “A lot of fever, she has a bad stomach ache”, She lists about the state of health of her daughter which makes her“a little bit of trouble”. Jazz then awaits the results of his daughter’s tests, which should arrive within hours. Concern is at its height …


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