It’s so bleak about Monero and Co.

They are almost as old as Bitcoin and have one purpose: protecting privacy. Privacy coins such as Monero and Co. are therefore notorious as a currency used by criminals and terrorists. As a result, governments and companies are taking ever harder action against their spread. Now even Binance is reacting – with a trading freeze in parts of Europe. But there are many good reasons for the need for privacy coins. A deep dive.

Wall Street is now competing with Ethereum

Over 30 corporations, one consortium: With Canton, Goldmann Sachs and Co. are launching their own blockchain. Does Vitalik Buterin have to tremble now?

Tether is the big winner of the bear market

The stablecoin race seems decided: almost 70 percent market dominance, a new all-time high in market capitalization at over $80 billion and a whole bunch of good news. Tether emerges from the bear market as the winner. Why this is a cause for concern.

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