“It’s time”: Commander-in-Chief hints at launch of counteroffensive

“It’s time”
Commander-in-Chief gives notice of start of counter-offensive

Preparations for the Ukrainian counter-offensive are already in full swing. The commander of the Ukrainian army is now raising expectations with statements that the start of the large-scale operation is imminent.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army, Valery Zalushny, hints on Telegram that after months of preparations, his forces are ready to launch their long-awaited counter-offensive. He also published a video showing soldiers praying and preparing for the major offensive. “It’s time to take back what’s ours,” Zalushnyj wrote in one Explanation. These have included recently increased attacks on logistical targets, as well as feints and disinformation to keep Russian forces on their toes. Ukraine goes on the offensive to liberate its territories from the occupiers and raise the banner of victory.

However, Zalushny did not give any details about where and when the armed forces could try to retake Ukrainian territory. The president’s office in Kiev had previously said that the offensive had been going on for days. The statements could also serve to confuse Russian forces and encourage their own nation after more than 15 months of war.

Other senior Ukrainian officials have also hinted that the counter-offensive is imminent. The head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Oleksiy Danilov, said in an interview with the BBCthat the Kiev armed forces are “ready” and that a large-scale attack could take place “tomorrow, the day after or in a week”. However, Danilov denied that she had already started.

“intensity increases”

An adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the British “GuardiansIt is an “intricate process” that is not about a specific day, date or hour. It is an ongoing process of recapture and certain activities are already taking place, such as the destruction of utility lines or detonating depots behind the lines, Mykhailo Podolyak said: “The intensity is increasing, but it will take quite a long time,” he added.

Podolyak also indicated that as the counter-offensive gains momentum, there will be further incursions by Russian rebel groups in Russia, such as the raid in the Belgorod region. It is unclear what exactly that means. The Ukrainian military intelligence service claims to have obtained “valuable information” from the militia attack on the Russian border region of Belgorod. According to the “Kyiv Independent” portal, secret service representative Andriy Yusov said this in a television speech, but without going into detail.

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