“It’s time to make a good Marvel film”: this super-villain film will be a big hit in 2025!

Wyatt Russell, who takes over the role of Captain America at the start of the “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” series, spoke about the future Marvel Studios film centered on the studio’s anti-heroes “Thunderbolts”.

While the box office failure of The Marvels confirms superhero fatigue, actor Wyatt Russell (the son of Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn), who plays John Walker, in the series Falcon and the Winter Soldier and in the upcoming film Thunderbolts seems convinced that this Marvel film will succeed in bringing audiences back to theaters.

In the Disney+ series, John Walker is the first character to take on the Captain America armor after the departure of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and before Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) decides to recover the precious shield.

During an interview with The Hollywood ReporterWyatt Russell gave details about Thunderbolts and explained why he thinks Marvel fans should be excited for the film’s release.

The actor addressed the recent issues the MCU has faced, but said he’s “confident” that “it will be good”:

“I’m confident it’s going to be a good movie. I know things aren’t going great for Marvel right now. I know Jake very well [NDLR: Schreier, le réalisateur], I know how smart he is and how much he cares about doing something interesting and different and using everyone’s talents to the best of their abilities. The story they came up with is really interesting – I know parts of the story and how it works, I can’t speak to it. But this is not a classic Marvel film like we have seen in the past.

It’s time to make a good Marvel movie

I think it’ll be a lot of fun, but I also think it’ll be something that Marvel fans will watch and say, ‘Oh OK, that’s a little different, let’s go all-in on it.’ And as far as our approach goes, it’s time to get to work, it’s time to make a good Marvel movie, so let’s do it, let’s work hard and not take things for granted.”


Wyatt Russell

Thunderbolts should therefore differ from recent films from the House of Ideas if only in tone. If Jake Schreier manages to infuse the feature film with the caustic tone of his Acharnés series (portrayed by Steven Yeun and Ali Wong), Thunderbolts – which features certain antagonists from previous Marvel works – could indeed stand out from the studio’s other films .

Scheduled in our theaters on July 23, 2025, Thunderbolts is the Marvel equivalent of DC’s Suicide Squad. Brought together by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, this team of anti-heroes is sent on secret missions to try to redeem themselves.

The character of Valentina Allegra de Fontaine also appears in the post-credits scene of Black Widow. The latter recruited: Florence Pugh (Yelena Belova), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes), David Harbor (Red Guardian), Hannah John-Kamen (the Ghost) and Olga Kurylenko (Taskmaster).

The latter will be surrounded by Harrison Ford who lends his features to Thaddeus Ross aka Thunderbolt, a role previously played by the late William Hurt, of Steven Yeun who plays Sentry, Marvel’s equivalent of Superman and Ayo Edebiri (The Bear) in a still unknown role.

Note that the character of Sentry has a dual personality. Each good action of Sentry triggers a negative equivalent of Void, his evil side, without Sentry being aware of it. The Thunderbolts could therefore have to face their teammate.


Sebastian Stan

A film centered on Marvel anti-heroes

Last February, Kevin Feige revealed to Entertainment Weekly that the group of superheroes would be led by Bucky. The President of Marvel added: “The funny thing is that these characters are barely heroes. None of them considered themselves heroes.“A unique point of view at Marvel which should offer a new perspective to the MCU.

The feature film will be released six months after Captain America: Brave New World by Julius Onah, (scheduled in theaters on February 12, 2025) in which the character played by Harrison Ford will be introduced: Thaddeus Ross aka Red Hulk.

Captain America 4: first photo of Harrison Ford on the set of the Marvel sequel

At the announcement of the casting of the interpreter of Indiana Jones, the actor David Harbor (Stranger Things) who reprises his role after Black Widow, had confided to the site ComicBook.com : “If I get the chance to see it happen and be able to experience it, I will truly savor it. I mean, can you imagine an angry Harrison Ford in a green suit with ping pong balls everywhere?”

We can imagine the atmosphere on the set of the feature film! If Harrison Ford was initially excited at the idea of ​​playing the President of the United States and his muscular alter ego, the 80-year-old actor quickly became disillusioned.

Last June, Ford declared to Esquire magazine about the filming of Captain America: “There are hard days, easy days, fun days and all kinds of days. It’s a tough but fun schedule. But it’s not a walk in the park. It’s not fun. It’s is work.”

The filming of Thunderbolts was scheduled to begin last June but was postponed due to the actors’ strike. It is still unknown to this day when the film will enter production.

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