It’s time to update your PC! Microsoft has just fixed 61 security flaws, including two critical ones

Microsoft released Patch Tuesday updates. They correct no less than 61 security flaws, including two zero-days which are currently being exploited. Update your PC immediately to protect against these vulnerabilities.

Windows 11 PC

Every second Tuesday of the month, Microsoft unveils a series of security updates, known as Patch Tuesday. This monthly ritual is essential for correct the flaws And strengthen security Windows operating systems including the latest Windows 11. The latest series addresses 61 vulnerabilities, and while this number is not as high as the record 150 vulnerabilities addressed in April, it is just as significant. It includes in particular the correction of two zero-day breaches which are actively exploited.

THE two zero-day vulnerabilities corrected this month deserve special attention. The first one, CVE-2024-30040, affects the Windows MSHTML platform and allows attackers to bypass security features to execute malicious code. The second, CVE-2024-30051, concerns the Windows desktop window manager library. The latter offers hackers the possibility of completely control your PC. These vulnerabilities were actively exploited, these updates are actually more critical.

On the same subject – Windows Defender: hackers can take control of your antivirus and delete all your data

Update Windows quickly to protect yourself against all these vulnerabilities

The exploitation of these zero-days by cybercriminals clearly demonstrates the speed with which security breaches can be used by hackers to carry out targeted attacks. Microsoft, with the help of cybersecurity partners like Kaspersky and Google’s Threat Analysis Group, quickly identified and rectified these risks. Responsiveness to these threats demonstrates how important it is for users to remain vigilant and regularly update security systems.

To keep your Windows system secure, it is crucial to apply updates as soon as they become available. Go to Windows Update & Security settings, then select “Windows Update” to find and install any suggested fixes. They are vital not only to correct specific flaws such as those mentioned but also to improve the general resilience of the system in the face of new potential threats.

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