“It’s true that postpartum is hot”

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Invited on the show Clique this Wednesday, November 16, Camille Lellouche delivered on her new role as a mom. The postpartum period is not an easy period, as she confided to Mouloud Achour.

Motherhood is not a quiet time. And it is not Camille Lellouche who will say the opposite. The singer, known for her outspokenness, delivered without taboo on her new role as a mother. The young woman gave birth last October to her little Alma. And since then, the artist hardly sleeps as she confided in Clique, this Wednesday, November 16.

To the question of Mouloud Achour, What’s your last lesson from mom?the 36-year-old simply replied with humor: I do not sleep anymore. Learn to sleep 2 hours and pretend you’ve slept 10, that’s a great lesson“.

Anxious to discuss without taboo her experience of pregnancy and motherhood with her subscribers, Camille Lellouche regularly shares images of her daily life on social networks. I show myself as I’ve always done, but it’s true that postpartum is hot. Currently I have a diaperdropped the comedian.

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“The body changes, it’s normal”

Lucid, the young woman recognizes that postpartum is not an easy period. While his body “hasn’t had time to recover yet” of pregnancy, Camille Lellouche explained to be stillat the stage where [s]the organs are falling back into place. “That, plus the fact that you still have to evacuate things. I didn’t know there were towels this big., she joked. And to continue:The body changes, it’s normal when you gave birth to a wonder“.

Many women should recognize themselves in Camille Lellouche’s speech. By giving her truth about postpartum, the artist hopes to be able to help other mothers on this role which is learned day by day. There, I become a mother every day a little bit more”, she concluded.

Philippe Husson

Content manager

Responsible for Aufeminin’s content, Philippe is passionate about current events, whether it concerns (many) social issues, or even culture, television programs, SVOD programs, …

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