Jackpot! They share the winnings obtained with the lottery tickets offered by their boss at Christmas: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Christmas comes with its share of surprises, but for 21 employees of a medical center in Kentucky (United States), this one arrived earlier than expected. While Christmas gifts had been ordered and were due to arrive during the 2023 company meal, a delivery delay disrupted everything for these employees. To make up for the gifts that didn’t arrive, their supervisor, Sheila Colter, had to improvise and bought them lottery tickets. She didn’t imagine what was going to happen! While employees each received tickets worth $30, some of the employees were lucky and won $50. Neither one, nor two, they decided to play again for the whole team. “We continued to play as a group”, recalls the supervisor of the medical center to our colleagues at CNN. The team then won $100, but the real stroke of luck came the next time, on December 8, 2023. Indeed, the employees were surprised to discover that they had won the jackpot!

From $30 tickets to a $50,000 jackpot

The lottery jackpot was 50,000 dollars. A very nice sum that the 21 employees all shared. In the United States, the taxation of lotteries is not the same as in France, since the winnings are taxable. The group ultimately received $36,000 after taxes. Each employee therefore left with a check for $1,750, a more than welcome sum just before the Christmas festivities. “We were all excited”, reported the employee who testified to CNN. A jackpot that brought the employees of this company closer together. For some, this money represents an opportunity to spoil loved ones or cover unexpected expenses. So, if some are planning trips, another employee shared her intention to devote the sum to cover the medical expenses of her mother, who has just been diagnosed with cancer… A lottery that everyone will remember for a long time.

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