Jacques Legros: this incredible contract signed by the eternal joker of TF1

Since January 3, 2022, Jacques Legros has been presenting the TF1 13 Hours newscast. A month earlier, the journalist who replaces Marie-Sophie Lacarrau had signed a permanent contract after years of freelancing.

Jacques Legros, the joker at the presentation of the 1 p.m. newspaper on TF1 for almost 25 years has assumed the functions of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau since January 3, 2022. In question, a eye problem which prevents the journalist from returning to the set.

The Parisian has shared reporter news in an article published on Saturday, February 26. In it, Jacques Legros explains why she cannot yet find her job. He confided: “With the light we get on set, Marie-Sophie can’t come back if she’s not completely cured. It may take six months“. The 70-year-old presenter is therefore preparing to extend this replacement For an undetermined time. He explained that he is aiming for the moment “end of March“without knowing how the situation will evolve by then.

Jacques Legros has just signed a permanent contract “with a joker’s salary”.

Although Jacques Legros continues his activities as a producer and consultant in addition to presenting the 13 Heures newspaper on weekdays, he now has a different status within the TF1 group. In fact, he confided that he had been engaged in CDI on December 1, 2021. He explained to the Parisian have now”joker salary” after years of freelancing.

One real change which delights the presenter: “We’ve been talking about it for a while. It gives me a more square status before considering an exit, even if I am assured that there is no urgency for me to leave. It’s me who will decide the date, when I’m tired or when I don’t feel like it anymore. Rest assured, it will be before ten years. But nothing is fixed yet. As long as I don’t act too old a fool on the air, I will be present“. Viewers are warned.


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Marie-Sophie Lacarrau
Preview of the film “West Side Story” directed by S. Spielberg at the Grand Rex in Paris on December 2, 2021.

© Jacovides – Clovis

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Jacques Legros
Arrival at the funeral of Etienne Mougeotte at the Saint-François-Xavier church in Paris. October 13, 2021.

© Agency

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Marie-Sophie Lacarrau
Illustration from the first 1 p.m. newscast presented by Marie-Sophie Lacarrau and broadcast live on TF1, Paris, January 4, 2020


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Jacques Legros
Jacques Legros at the TF1 back-to-school press conference at the Champs-Elysées theater in Paris, September 5, 2006.

© Frantz Button

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Marie-Sophie Lacarrau
Marie-Sophie Lacarrau visits local TF1 teams (Nice and Corsica) before taking up her post as TF1 newscast on January 4, 2021. Nice on November 18, 2020.


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Jacques Legros
Presentation of TF1’s 2007-2008 programs at the Olympia in Paris.

© Perusseau-Veeren

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Marie Sophie Lacarrau, Stéphane Bern and the Moulin Rouge dancers
Backstage of the 130th anniversary concert of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, broadcast on October 26 on France 2.


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Jacques Legros
Jacques Legros during a TF1 back-to-school press conference.

© Perusseau-Veeren

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Marie-Sophie Lacarrau
Anniversary concert of the 130th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, broadcast on October 26 on France 2.


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Jacques Legros
Jacques Legros during a TF1 back-to-school press conference.


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Jacques Legros
Jacques Legros at the Telepoche Number 2000 party.

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