Jadot offers an “abatement up to 200,000 euros”

The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot proposed Friday, if elected, a “abatement of up to 200,000 euros” on inheritance tax, which has become an important theme in the presidential campaign.

Mr. Jadot said on franceinfo that he would like a “rebate of up to 200,000 euros (against 100,000 currently, editor’s note), including on inheritances to grandchildren” because, according to him, they are the ones who “need the most inheritance than children”.

“We are removing all exemptions for the very rich”, “who pay very little inheritance tax”, he also pleaded.

Because for Mr. Jadot, these “manage to free themselves from redistribution justice”: instead of being “deducted up to 45%”, the maximum slice for inheritances, “they manage to escape it by not paying only 10% levies”.

The candidate LR Valérie Pécresse proposes to exempt estates from taxes up to 200,000 euros per child, when the rebellious candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, intends to cap the sums inherited at 12 million euros.

“We are going to restore justice, ethics”, launched Yannick Jadot, judging “French society” as “one of the most sclerotic in terms of transmissions”.

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The environmentalist candidate finally explained that “the additional profits – 8-9 billion euros – from this levy will go towards dependency” and the devices for old age: “We cannot mistreat our elders, our elders, of this way “, he argued, four days after revelations concerning supposed practices in the private establishments of the Orpéa group.

“As I will do on all taxation (…) there will be bonuses and penalties depending on whether or not they contribute to climate change”, he confirmed.

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