James Middleton: Duchess Kate's brother shares dog training tips

James Middleton
Duchess Kate's brother shares dog training tips

James Middleton shares training tips for dogs.

© imago images / PA Images

James Middleton, Duchess Kate's brother, shares training tips for dogs. It's about postmen, squirrels and other "nonsense".

Duchess Kate's (39) brother, James Middleton (33), has his many dogs under control, as he regularly shows on his personal Instagram account. Because he has got to know pretty much every "nonsense" that these four-legged friends do now and then in the course of his dog owner career, he now passes on his knowledge and experience in the form of "training tips". He uploaded a first video clip with the announcement to the Instagram account of his shop "Ella & Co".

"Every dog ​​owner knows the challenges that dogs bring with them, and the nonsense they can do," he writes about the clip and then becomes more specific: "Whether they bark at the postman, temporarily forget their name when they are called Looting garbage cans or chasing a squirrel – I've seen it all, "admits Middleton. That's why he'll be presenting a new training tip every week for a few months on how to train his dogs. "Hopefully it will be useful," said the dog fan.

Not a dog trainer, but a special relationship

James Middleton emphasizes at the beginning of the video that he is not a professional dog trainer, "but someone who loves his dogs and trains a little with them every day". And while the master is telling this into the camera, six fur noses are sitting in the background and are waiting obediently for the dog entertainment to finally start.

The youngest of the three Middleton siblings has a special relationship with his dogs, especially with the eponymous Ella, as she helped him overcome his "clinical depression diagnosed in 2018". "During this difficult time my dogs saved me. They were my friends, companions, teachers and therapists. Ella in particular. Ella has been my constant companion for ten years. She has accompanied me to all my therapy sessions and helped me to overcome my fears She was my reason to get up in the morning, "he explained in his very first post on the dogs page in June 2020.
