Jan Hofer: This is how he plans his TV career after the "Tagesschau" farewell

Jan Hofer
So he plans his TV career after the "Tagesschau" farewell

Jan Hofer is an absolute newbie to dance.

© TVNOW / Paul Schirnhofer

Ex- "Tagesschau" head spokesman Jan Hofer speaks about his "Let's Dance" participation and his TV career, which is far from over.

Jan Hofer (69) dares to hit the dance floor. The former "Tagesschau" head spokesman will take part in the RTL dance show "Let's Dance" (from February 26, 8:15 pm on RTL and via TVNow). "After the 'Tagesschau' I wanted to do something new and found that a family show like 'Let's Dance' is exactly the right project," reveals Hofer in an interview with the news agency spot on news. His wife and children are very excited and kept their fingers crossed for him, "that everything will work out as I had imagined," says the former news anchor. But in addition to his TV experience, does he also compete with existing dance skills?

A critical Joachim Llambi encourages him

"I am an absolute newcomer and so far I was not known as an avid dancer", explains Hofer. He is not afraid of the task, "but respect for the performance that is required. It will be an exciting matter." The perfect "Let's Dance" dance partner must above all have "perseverance", Hofer jokes. "I'm really still a complete beginner and so I still have to learn a lot." As a participant without previous experience, Joachim Llambi (56) in particular could make a harsh judgment at the beginning. But Hofer didn't have any jitters before the critical juror.

"It's his job and I'm not the only one who has to face his criticism. That's business," explains the former news anchor. In addition, it is also important to have someone like Llambi with you who looks at performance with the rigor of a professional dancer. "That can of course be 'painful', but it is also the right incentive to keep working on yourself."

Is "Let's Dance" just the beginning?

In mid-December 2020 Hofer had his last day as chief spokesman for the ARD news program. In the past few weeks he has set up on RTL, has appeared on "Punkt 12", "RTL Exclusiv" and the live show "Zeugnis für Deutschland". Does he feel more comfortable on private television after his "Tagesschau" farewell? "No, you can't put it that way. I've always enjoyed working at the 'Tagesschau'. Now I'm making new, completely different experiences that I enjoy," emphasizes Hofer. He has therefore "made the words 'retirement' and 'pension' my personal non-words (laughs). I enjoy my work – so why should I stop?"

A visit to what is probably the most famous RTL show alongside "Let's Dance" could not be imagined by the avowed trash TV fan. "Jungle camp? Never ever, for no money in the world. I prefer to watch it comfortably at home in front of the TV at home."

With further TV appearances he looks forward to only doing what he enjoys and no longer having to submit to the "constraints" of shift work. The popular TV star tells his fans about his new projects on Instagram (around 77,000 subscribers). "I've always been enthusiastic about the new social media because it's a new form of communication," says the 69-year-old. "You are much freer, more spontaneous and more direct in communication, which I really like."
