Jan Josef Liefers: Everything about sleep: “Tatort” star announces podcast

Jan Josef Liefers
Everything about sleep: “Tatort” star announces podcast

© imago/Sven Simon

Actor Jan Josef Liefers (59) has often spoken about his sleep problems in interviews, and the topic has even found its way into the lyrics of his band Radio Doria. such as the “Moon Song”. As he now announced on his Instagram accounthe now wants to discuss the phenomenon of insomnia and sleep itself in more depth in his own podcast.

“How well did you sleep?”

In his video post, the bright film and series actor immediately opens the door to the bedroom and asks his followers the question: “How well did you sleep?” In the next step, he puts some facts on the table and reports that of all the people surveyed worldwide in studies, only one in three said “that they sleep really well, wake up feeling well rested and could tear down trees.” Unfortunately, he cannot count himself among this well-rested third of humanity.

For everyone who feels the same way as him, there will soon be a podcast tailored specifically for them, in which he will personally get to the bottom of the “endless topic of sleep”. A conversation with the head of sleep medicine at Berlin’s Charité is already planned. His podcast will certainly not be boring enough to help you fall asleep. Quite the opposite: “It will definitely be very interesting and entertaining!” says Liefers.

Listeners can contribute their own sleep stories

To make things even more interesting, he doesn’t want his podcast to be a one-way street of communication, but also to give his listeners the opportunity to talk about their experiences with sleep. Possible topics could be, for example, “What disturbs your sleep?”, “What experiences have you had with snoring?” or “Are there dreams that disturb your rest and keep coming back?”.

In his post, he also offers followers who would like to contribute their story to his podcast the opportunity to contact him directly, which is possible via email or a message on his answering machine.

“See you soon in the Somnoversum!”

Jan Josef Liefers did not reveal in his video message when his new podcast will be launched or what it will be called. However, as his greeting “See you soon in Somnoversum!” under the written contact options suggests, it could be called “Somnoversum” – a mixture of the word universe and somno, a form of the Latin term somnus for sleep.


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