Jana Azizi: She shows herself naked in the bathtub

“Playboy will be knocking soon!”
Jana Azizi shows herself naked in the bathtub

Jana Azizi.

© instagram.com/jana_azizi

Jana Azizi has thrilled the internet with a sexy photo. She shows herself completely naked in the bathtub and really stimulates the imagination of her fans.

Many people Jana Aziz, 35, is known as a presenter. Now she is showing a new side of herself and driving her fans crazy.

Jana Azizi: Naked in the bathtub

Jana Azizi knows exactly how to attract attention. On her Instagram profile, the likeable RTL presenter shares a series of black and white photos that really delighted her followers. The photos show Jana in a bathtub in a stylishly furnished hotel room. The mood of the photos is sexy, but extremely aesthetic and atmospheric thanks to a rather darker image aesthetic. Jana manages to perfectly combine sex appeal with stylish elegance.

“You are a goddess!”

The reactions to these artistically sophisticated images were not long in coming. Within a few hours, the photos were showered with thousands of likes. The fans of the charismatic presenter were overwhelmed in the comments and showered her with compliments. “Simply breathtakingly beautiful!”, “You are a goddess!” and “Hot, hotter, Jana!” are just some of the enthusiastic reactions that can be read under the posts. The combination of Jana’s natural beauty and the elegant black and white aesthetic has seemingly taken the hearts of her followers by storm.

Fans want Jana in Playboy

Some fans even go a step further: They wish that Jana Azizi would be photographed for Playboy. “Playboy will be knocking on our door soon!” and “Please, Jana, we need more photos like this – how about a Playboy shoot?” are just a few of the many longing comments. It seems that her new photos are not enough for some fans.

We have never seen her so sexy

It remains to be seen whether Jana Azizi will actually dare to take the step to Playboy. But one thing is certain: we have never seen Jana as sexy as in these photos. She always impresses with her stylish looks for her TV shows, occasionally showing herself in a bikini or doing sports. With her new photos, she knows how to inspire her fans and always discover new sides of herself.


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