Japan in blackout anguish

To avoid the blackout, the Tokyo town hall asked its citizens to limit their consumption, in particular during the very energy-intensive period from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Anthony Shaw Photography/Anthony Shaw – stock.adobe.com

Tokyo Mayor Yuriko Koike on Monday placed her city in “power shortage alert.

In Tokyo

Let’s save energy!”: for the first time in seven years, the government is calling on the Japanese to moderate their use of electricity during the summer. This campaign opens as Tokyo lived for a week in fear of the blackout. The mayor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, had indeed placed her city on Monday in “electricity shortage alert” as the “reserve ratio» of the electricity network was approaching 3%, the threshold below which supply is no longer guaranteed. To avoid breakdowns, it asked its constituents to limit their consumption, in particular during the very energy-intensive period from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. No effort was too small for this former Minister of the Environment: limit the use of elevators and photocopiers, dim the lighting, do not use the iron or the kettle, cap the air conditioning at 28°C…

At the town hall, setting an example, civil servants worked in semi-darkness, their faces…

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