Japanese Prime Minister expected in Kyiv

Cover image: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at a press conference in Tokyo on March 17, 2023. Yoshikazu Tsuno/AP

  • Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are to meet for official talks on the second day of the Chinese president’s visit to Russia, with Ukraine and the rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing on the program. On Monday, the two allied heads of state spoke face-to-face for four and a half hours, during a first informal meeting in the Kremlin.
  • China acts as mediator in Ukraine and published a document in February setting out several principles, such as respect for territorial sovereignty, and calling on Moscow and kyiv to engage in peace talks. But the head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, said he was suspicious after having read the Chinese president’s remarks, which, according to him, ” provide[aient] rather a diplomatic cover for Russia to continue committing great crimes. »
  • The United States today pledged another tranche of military aid to Ukraine in the amount of 350 million dollars, including ammunition for Himars rocket launchers, Bradley light armored vehicles, shells and anti-tank weapons.
  • The European Union will release 2 billion euros to provide a million shells to Ukraine and make joint purchases to replenish its stocks.
  • Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, is on his way to kyiv where he is making a surprise visit. He meets, on Tuesday, Volodymyr Zelensky. He was the only G7 leader yet to visit Kyiv since the start of the conflict, despite Japan joining Western sanctions against Russia and announcing $5.5 billion in new aid in February. (5.1 billion euros) to Ukraine. Tokyo, however, did not provide military aid, its pacifist Constitution prohibiting it from doing so.
  • Russia announced on Monday the opening of a criminal investigation against the prosecutor and three judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC)following the issuance, by this court, of an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for the “deportation” illegal child abuse in Ukraine.

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