Jasna Fritzi Bauer and Katharina Zorn: “Tatort” star and artist make their relationship public

Jasna Fritzi Bauer and Katharina Zorn
“Tatort” star and artist make relationship public

They have appeared together in public several times, but never spoke about their relationship status: Katharina Zorn (l.) and Jasna Fritzi Bauer.

© imago/FutureImage

Jasna Fritzi Bauer and Katharina Zorn have been in a relationship for five years, but kept it a secret. Now they have come out as a couple.

Actress Jasna Fritzi Bauer (35) has not spoken about her private life in public. Until now: In an interview with the German edition of “Vogue” magazine, she made her long-standing relationship with artist Katharina Zorn public for the first time. The two have been a couple for five years, but have kept it a secret until now. “We believe that now is the time for us to move forward and make a statement,” said Jasna Fritzi Bauer.

Also because she sees “this shift to the right in society”, “this heated atmosphere”. Her partner adds in the double interview: “We discussed for a long time whether we should make our relationship public, with everything that might come. We know that there will also be negative reactions.” The two live in Berlin with Zorn’s daughter Zoe, which shouldn’t really be unusual: “But it is for a certain part of society,” says “Tatort” actress Jasna Fritzi Bauer. She thinks the word “role model” is a bit big, but: “Perhaps that is our role now. And yes, perhaps there was a time when we weren’t ready for it.”

As Katharina Zorn also tells us, the two met in the rooms of mutual friends in Frankfurt: “I came into the kitchen and wanted to sit down at the table, Jasna was sitting there. I didn’t know her, neither from television nor from the theater.” She found her “immediately cute”: “We spent the day together, with Zoe, she was still a baby.”

Jasna Fritzi Bauer: “I’m bi. Done.”

“I say about myself, I’m bi. That’s it,” Jasna Fritzi Bauer explains openly in the interview. She has been with both men and women in the past: “At some point more with women and then again with men. I had the feeling that I had to decide and people wanted to put a label on me, but I don’t want a label.” In general, she is more interested in the person, but she usually finds women more interesting, especially when getting to know them.

Zorn, on the other hand, describes herself in the interview as “non-binary, genderfluid”: “Until I was 14, I wanted to be a boy, I thought they were cooler, but I couldn’t define why I liked my feminine side so much – until I learned that I am genderfluid and sometimes feel more like a man, sometimes more like a woman and dress like that.” This term is a word for her feeling that she had not found for a long time: “Now I had a term and was no longer the ‘lesbian with a child’.”

For the artist Zorn, it was hard at the beginning to hide her love in public: “When we met in 2019, there was a lot going on at Jasna’s, one event after the next. She always took me with her, but I came and went through the back door. And that’s why there were often arguments because the situation was so weird.”


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