Javier Milei’s opponents in search of strategy

Accustomed to insults, outbursts and invectives, the ultraliberal Javier Milei this time knew how to keep his calm. The first debate held in Santiago del Estero (northern Argentina), Sunday 1er October, between the five candidates for the presidential election of October 22, remained smooth and courteous. Everyone presented their program, without surprise and without going into much detail, due to a tight format. If they all passed the selection of the August 13 primaries – a vote allowing candidates to continue their presidential race provided they collect at least 1.5% of the vote – only three of them are favorites.

Also read the portrait: Article reserved for our subscribers Javier Milei, the ultraliberal economist who is shaking up politics in Argentina

At the top of the polls, Javier Milei, 52, anti-system deputy. His irruption into political life under the colors of La Libertad Avanza (“freedom advances”) in 2021, and his unexpected score during the primaries (30%) profoundly disoriented the two traditional forces which had structured Argentine political life until then . His competitors are, on the right, Patricia Bullrich, 67 years old, former minister of security during the presidency of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), and, on the center left, Sergio Massa, 51 years old, minister of the economy since August 2022, candidate of the ruling Peronist coalition. The latter, held accountable for the record of the current president, Alberto Fernandez, is leading a difficult campaign.

“Massa, explain to the Argentines how, when you are the worst minister of the economy, you could be a good president? », questioned Patricia Bullrich during the debate, summarizing the criticisms of part of the electorate. Sergio Massa presented his “apologies”recognizing that “government mistakes have hurt people”, without specifying which ones. He distanced himself from the ruling coalition. This trained lawyer, with a long political career, assured that he intended to constitute “a government of national unity”opening the door on the right.

Since announcing his candidacy in June, Sergio Massa has been busy managing a moribund economy. His ministry must in particular stem the devastating effects of galloping inflation, of 124.4% over one year, and deal with a poverty rate affecting 40% of the population. And this, while the Peronist government makes social justice its ideological pillar. A sign of this embarrassing record for the Minister of the Economy, the president as well as the vice-president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner – former head of state from 2007 to 2015 – are staying away from the campaign.

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