Jazz (JLC Family) positive for Covid-19: she shares a new difficulty concerning her children Chelsea and Cayden

Jazz has been positive for Covid-19 for several days. A disease not easy to manage for the star of the JLC Family, especially since the nannies of his children are absent. On Instagram this January 5, the influencer explained how she is handling the situation with her husband Laurent.

Jazz hoped hard that 2022 would bring him comfort. It must be said that the year 2021 was complicated for the star of the JLC Family, especially when the influencer was accused of having cheated on her husband Laurent. And if she gave birth to her third child on December 8, the result was not easy. Little London lacked oxygen and had a double lung infection. Fortunately, everything was back to normal and the little boy was able to reach his home in Dubai. Except that things got complicated for Jazz.

On December 31, Laurent Correia’s wife announced to her Instagram followers that she was not in great shape. “A good shit day like the year I spent. Fever, body aches, headache … I hope to be well to celebrate the end of this rotten year with my family and friends tonight”Wrote Jazz in the story. And unfortunately, the influencer confirmed on January 1 to be positive for Covid-19. “I have stiffness in my back and legs, like the flu actually. No runny nose, no cough. I haven’t lost my sense of smell yet”, She confided, disillusioned. Especially since his daughter Chelsea had “39.2 fever and “very stomach ache”.

“I sleep on the floor”

Neither one nor two, Jazz asked his children’s nannies to leave because they were also positive for the virus. Fortunately, the young mother announced good news in a story on Instagram on January 5. “I’ve had the Covid for several days at home. Chelsea is finally negative so we are super happy”Jazz said. Except that with three children at home and no nanny available, parents are quickly overwhelmed. “I take precautionary measures: gloves and mask, I don’t get on the bed with them, but they need mom so no choice”, Added Eva Queen’s sister from her children’s bedroom.

So, to be present as much as possible for Chelsea and Cayden, Jazz and Laurent have no other possibility than to take turns. “There is only mom. Cayden looked after Laurent the whole time and I sleep on the floor, on the floor. But it’s not big deal !”, Added the young mother who only hopes for one thing: to be negative very quickly.

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