Jc decaux sa. : The next Parisian toilets unveiled

(CercleFinance.com) – JCDecaux unveiled on Wednesday its new public toilets to equip the City of Paris, with the aim of replacing the current furniture which dates from 2009.

The outdoor communication group, which already holds the contract, today lifted the veil on the aesthetics of these 435 self-maintaining cabins.

In a press release, JCDecaux explains that it has renewed its confidence in designer Patrick Jouin to design this new generation of toilets.

Their silhouette will be part of the continuity of the existing model in order to promote identification of the service by users and guarantee a design that respects the Parisian aesthetic.

JCDecaux was at the origin of this self-maintaining toilet, which it had imagined for the City of Paris 40 years ago.

This equipment, which welcomes more than 15 million users each year, will be gradually installed from 2024, when the Olympic Games arrive in the capital.

Their water consumption will be reduced by nearly two-thirds and their electricity consumption by one-third compared to current equipment, with a 100% renewable electricity supply.

The amount of the contract was not disclosed.

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