Jean Castex forced to tighten his belt for the second round of the presidential election

At the counter of Chez Pol

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Air Castex

Addicted to private jets (according to Mediapart), Jean Castex had used a last one to make an express round trip to Prades to vote (and make beautiful images) in the first round. For the second, and while a petition has been launched for him to limit his carbon footprint, avoid unnecessary planes and make a power of attorney, the Prime Minister will do more sober and more modest. And show that he got the message. Present today in the Lot for the last campaign trip of his future ex-n + 1, Castex will then drive down to the Pyrenees to spend the weekend there and slip his ballot into the ballot box on Sunday. He will then return to Paris by commercial flight from Perpignan, he said to escape any new…

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